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I went searching for her and to no avail. It's like she dissapeared. 

Before I knew it I found myself at work. The week is dragging by. It's only my second day here and I'm already tired of this place. I would rather be waiting tables than doing this. Okay not really but I'm still exhausted. Imagine me having to deal with people. That's not something anyone want's to see.

Mike had me cleaning rims today. I did it with a straight face after all how much emotion can one put into cleaning rims.

I get home and bolt for the shower to wash the long day's work off me. I have no fucking clue how did grime and grease, get under my toenails. With some soap and a few scrubs I do the trick. I walk out that bath like Edward Cullen,  sparkling and glimmering like a million sequences on a dress. Did I just reference twilight?  Okay now i know for sure I'm exhausted. Twilight is so boring as opposed to Lexy's and my favourite show The Vampire Dairies. I watched it with lexy the first time and fell in love with Bonnie Bennet. The show is pretty cliche and very teenage centered but it's so much more than that that if you just watch it in depth. I layed down and blacked out before I knew it.

I wake up the following day and seemed a bit lost in thought. I had a shower late last night so I ended up changing into my regular blue jeans. And black boots. I mean I don't wear colours becuase it doesn't suit me but I'm not against colour or anything I'll wear it if need be.

I heard her voice echo throughout the house. I heard her laugh. I could practically feel the tug at my chest from seeing her smile. I didn't need to have her infront of me to know what she looked like right now.

I ran downstairs almost tripping on the last step. And there she stood in a red dress. She looks so damn beautiful in my weakness. The way the fabric hugged her skin complimenting all her curves. The way her toes were painted to perfection in those open toed heels. I was on the floor. The way her back arched made me want to slide that dress of hers, down her body right now. Why the fuck was she dressed up though I mean it's just school. Isn't it?

"Hey Ty I won't be at school today I'm going to a fund raiser for the homeless kids at Saint Francis I just stopped by to give lexy back her books but I'm glad i bumped into you to tell you that". My stomach turns at the fact that she found it important to tell me she wont be at school today.  That's progress right?

I just kept on staring at her until the words escaped my mouth like prisoners who just escaped prison.

"Caity you look so mouth watering sexy right now".

"Well thanks I guess Tyler. Hmmm ty would you like to accompany me? My dad was going to drop me off , but it would be great to have someone to go with me, it is a little formal after all and I don't have a date and hmmm...."her heads down and her leg is turning on the floor. Guess she beat me to the punch.

Why the fuck is she nervous I should be nervous she just asked me to go to a whole ass formal dance setting with her. Has she seen the way I dress, any investors in this home will be out the door after one look at me. Leave the way I dress has she looked at me.

"I'd freaking love to " I reply nervously but I know how to mask my emotions so I didn't let her see it. At least I don't think she caught on.

She smiles boldly and walks away,  leaving me standing there doing nothing. I rush upstairs like a child and go straight to my dad's clothes in the attic and take out one of his blue suits. Wow I may have just opened old wounds because now I'm just pissed off as I sit here staring in the mirror. A soft knock at the door and I'm up.

"Ty are you ready?" The voice asks me.

I stared at her.

"Yeah whatever let's go."

"Ty , look you don't have to come with me if you don't feel up to it" she said trying to be nice but I noticed the anger in her eyes. She's bad at concealing her true emotions.

"I'm sorry Cait, it's just that I thought about something that triggered my anger I guess " and I have to stop making you the recipient of it, the last part was more of a note for myself.

"Well you don't have to take it out on me Ty". She looked like she was about to cry. "let's just go okay?"

"Yeah let's go" I replied coldly. Man why am I such a fuck up? I can't even make this girl happy. 

We pull out the drive way, I'm glad that I got the body of my Impala fixed up it still needs a paint job no doubt but it looks better than before.

After five minuets of silence I finally build the courage to speak to her " look I'm sorry Cait it's just that this isn't my suit it's my dad's suit and it struck a nerve I know you don't fucking deserve me taking it out on you".

"Uhmmmmmm what happened to your dad, I mean I know you told me his dead and all but what happened exactly"

I tense up, my knuckles practically cutting from my grip on the wheel. I know she's trying to help but fuck she's annoying me right now.

"Look Cait don't bring it up again I never talk about it and that's final I hope you understand"

"Yes I get that. I can respect that as well" she begins to look out the window.

I reach for the radio and turn up my favourite Weeknd album.

She sings along to the words and I gawk at her.

"Don't stare Ty it's rude , my brother and I used to listen to the weeknd before....." she trails off.

"Before what"

"Tyler we moved here for a reason and just like how you dont talk about your dad I don't talk about my brother. Same rules apply there okay."

I nod and look straight forward. I can't help but stare at her from the corners of my eyes fuck. I notice a single tear escape her eye . I reach over and take her hand in mine in a comforting manner. She looks at me surprised at first but she calms down after a while.

Her hand in my own feels comforting. Relaxing even.

We eventually get to the ball. I look over to her and admire her curvy figure in this dress. Even sitting down I can see how sexy she really is. I just want to peel that dress of her and make her feel beautiful with my touch.

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