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Hello Wattpaders, This is my first effort in writing a novel. I have the entire first draft and am editing as I go, I may post before editing it fully but will continue to work as I go.

I want to apologize in advance for some of the overly long chapters.

Also for the rather "Cliche" first couple chapters, but I just thought it was cute to do a "Locker room" scene... Without giving away any spoilers...

I have two more books in first draft stage after this one so if you fall in love with these characters as much as I do, know that I will probably be writing about them for many books to come. First introductory chapters are always most difficult. I hope that it grabs your attention and keeps you turning the proverbial page. Enjoy! Please star the chapters if you like them! Thanks!

Above is Hunter Parish as (My Baby) Michael Onassis.

Devlin's POV

I watched as Michael scurried out of the room and stared at the empty space where he had been standing. "Michael?" I slid out of the bed and walked out after him, finding him on the computer googling. "I just had the best idea!" He exclaimed excitedly. I couldn't help but smile at his exuberance. He was wriggling in his seat excitedly. I walked over and leaned down to kiss the back of his neck and looked over his shoulder. "What's that?".

"I'm going to write our story!"


Michael's POV

Hello, my name is Michael J. Onassis, the invisible man. Well, not, but I might as well be. Because no one sees me. They see the lie I wear. The comfortable lie, because the lie causes no anger or discomfort.

The lie? I'm the typical jock, the football player, the best friend to the captain of the football team, the "everybody's friend" nice guy. And the truth, well, the truth will blow up everything I care about. And once it's all blown to shit, I have nothing left. Which is why I have lived in silence for so long.

I could go on living the lie, everything would go on the same, no boats would be rocked. As for me? The real me? I would be trapped behind this face that smiles when it's supposed to. Living in the grey, colorless cage of my fear.

I've never had all that raging testosterone other guys seemed to be filled with. Honestly, it never bothered me unless it made me a target. And I know, that if a random confluence of circumstances hadn't made me best friends with, well, the most polar opposite creature on the planet to myself, Devlin De Luca. I would be living a very different life than I was right now. I would have never joined any sports and would probably be the geeky kid everyone picked on. As it was, I was his best friend, and no one crosses "The Devil" and walks away unscathed.

Nicknamed "The Devil" because of his vicious temper and ability to take down opponents ruthlessly. But, that's just the Devlin that everyone else sees. To me, he was just Dev, my best friend almost since I can remember.

What can I say about Devlin? Super jock, womanizer, and easily the most violent unpredictable person I have ever known. He is also vain, attention-seeking, controlling, hyper-aggressive, thoughtless, short-tempered, sarcastic, often cruel, does and says whatever he wants, whenever he wants and "fuck the consequences" as he likes to say. He has a serious temper problem and a love of fighting that borders on psychotic.

When angered, Devlin was the most violent, terrifying human being I have ever known. Devlin De Luca, my best friend and constant companion since grade school. If you ever see one of us without the other, its because you didn't look hard enough.

Transcendental (Working Title) Completed First Draft Revising Rewriting EditingWhere stories live. Discover now