Not Without You

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Michaels POV

I didn't recognize my surroundings as I felt the disorientation of waking in a strange place, but as I blinked the lethargy away, I realized it was a hospital with the distinctive sounds of monitors, an IV in my arm as I slowly came awake. I tried to remember the events that had led up to this, but things were kind of, disjointed, I closed my eyes to try to remember

The memory of the bruise he had seen in the mirror, his panic as he had felt a strange numbing tingle come over him, and the weakness. he remembered that at first, he had struggled to remain upright, locking his muscles in place. and he had seen Devlin in the mirror coming around the corner. Then when he suddenly realized that he was unable to move or respond, that he was just, stuck in his head, the terror that had gripped him.

Thank God Devlin had somehow noticed and hadn't hesitated for even a second, but had immediately begun directing the situation. Devlin always came through. Even though I had felt intense fear, I remembered the sense that. OK

Devlin was here now. Devlin would figure out what to do. I had been grateful many times that I had been blessed with such a capable best friend. But now, I literally had my life thanks to Devlin's ability to immediately take control in any situation.

My body ached, but it wasn't to terrible. I noticed a reflection of myself in a mirror on the opposite wall, and was a little taken back by what I saw, the bruising had spread up into my face and covered my body from the neck down, with the exception of my right arm from the shoulder down, and right leg from the knee down and my left foot, I was literally one massive black and purple bruise. I blinked in shock and could only hope that I was in better shape then I looked.

A nurse entered the room and smiled,"Well hello there honey, your friends are going to be pleased to know your awake, you seem to have quite a lot of them, our waiting rooms are overflowing with them. This one in particular wont leave your side, even to eat," she leaned down conspiratorially "Even with the threat of removal by security."

I already knew who she had to be referring to before I lifted my head up and was able to see the black haired head peeking out from among the many pillows and wires covering and arranged around me. The nurse quickly and quietly rearranged some of my pillows and wrap my torso arms and legs in something she called "compression wraps", then assessed me while having me answer a few questions. Squeezing her hands, shining some lights in my eyes. By the time she left tiredness already overwhelmed me and I felt my eyes drifting closed even as I felt a hand holding mine gently, I heard Devlin quietly say my name. I squeezed his hand back reassuringly and tried saying something to him, managing only to quietly whisper "Its OK Dev." before passing back out again.

Devlins POV

I leapt to my feet, Michael had been awake, squeezed my hand and spoke to me. The doctors and nurses had assured me that the worst of the danger had passed, but this was the first time I had personally witnessed Michael actually purposefully communicating. My heart that was tired of aching, suddenly pounded in my chest with elation. Michael really was going to be OK. I had been pretty sure I didn't have tears left, but I was wrong again as wetness was present on my cheeks.

I heard a throat clear from the doorway and saw Ryan and Jay standing, their hulking figures should have been more noticeable in the doorway, but I had a hard time tearing my eyes away from Michael.

"He spoke to me and squeezed my hand" I reported, my eyes glued to Michael's now still and quiet, sleeping face.

Ryan was already in the room, I felt his hand on my shoulder "Yeah man, nurse told us he was able to answer her questions and may be up for visitors in a day or so." I nodded and smiled at them, they were both staring at me with a mix of pity and worry on their faces.

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