The Big Game

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Michael's POV

We had been in the locker room all suited up and ready to head out, I was nervous, they had called for a timeout just before the last play of the game. I had been having a really rough time with that dude from central ever since a play that happened before the first quarter. The dude was tackling the shit out of me. Even received some penalties for it.

Some of my team even approached me and started trying to apologize for not blocking and letting me get tackled so hard and so often by the guy.

I sat on the bench in front of the lockers for a while after the team and everyone had already filed out, Devlin must have noticed my absence and had come back in to check on me, pulling his helmet off, he crouched down in front of me and chucked me under the chin, I smiled up at him. 

"You ok man?" I nodded, "Just a little sore from all the tackles." Devlin frowned and nodded "Yeah that fucker really has it in for you, think he is even organizing his team to inappropriately target you." Devlin held a hand out to me, I took it and let Devlin help me up, making sure not to let the discomfort show on my face.

"But your doing great out there man, you really turned it up tonight" I smiled and felt warmth fill me at his compliment "I got excellent sleep last night." I realized how that must have sounded and felt my face heat up. Devlin grinned at me, we both knew I was referring to the cuddling and kissing session that Devlin had let me indulge in last night and had even gotten a little hand holding as I had woken to Devlin's fingers threaded through mine on his chest, it had been heaven.

"Well, your gonna get good sleep tonight again." Devlin winked at me and wriggled his brows.

I stared at Devlin for a moment, shocked at the suggestive blatant referral and then coughed out a hard laugh. Then suddenly we both broke out into hilarious laughter just when Ryan came around the corner and looked at us, grinning and laughing like idiots "Not sure what's so funny guys but um, you forget we got a close game going on out here? Coach bout to have a seizure wondering where his two starters are." I grinned and pulled on my helmet, suddenly feeling much better about everything in general and just jogged out, my heart was full and happy, nothing could ruin my mood.

Devlin left his helmet off as he and Ryan rejoined the team, everyone running their mouths about how close we had cut it until Devlin started getting pissed. Devlin rolled his eyes "Man get over it, game hasn't started, God forbid I try to cheer up my over-tackled best friend", Devlin started walking around the circle and stabbed a finger into their chests punctuating each word, his tone no longer laughing "We keep that motherfucker and his pansy team mate fuckers off Michael this play, got it?" some of em were shuffling their feet, rubbing they're chests but they all muttered they're ascent "I can't fucking hear you little bitches!" Devlin lean forward and bellowed, his face red, veins standing out on his face and neck his teeth bared. the team jumped to and all of them roared back at him "We gonna let them motherfuckers through to our players?" Devlin yelled "Hell no!" They yelled in unison. As the team captain, his pep talks were more animalistic than most and he leaned forward and roared, the team leaned in and roared back. They all hulked out, it was an impressive display, the other team could easily hear them from across the field and were milling around nervously.

Just before the play Devlin walked by me and from across the field he pointed at the gesturing asshole and pointed to himself then hulk roared at him from across the field, a few people craned their neck to see. I didn't even stop lacing my gear, I was use to Devlin, this was just Devlin getting excited for the play about to go down. I felt Devlin's hand on my back and felt him lean over me almost territorially, a pleasant warmth spread through me. "I got your back this play Michael. I'm taking this fucking personally, and he ain't gonna fucking touch you man." Then Devlin stood up and jogged over to the rest of the team, hopping and roaring like he always did to get everyone all jacked up on adrenaline.

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