Your Mine

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Mature Sexual Content

I leaned down and pressed my lips to his and whispered softly. "We already know that I enjoy kissing you." I  smiled softly at him after the soft, chaste, little kiss that causes his breath to catch in his throat. "I also already know that I enjoy touching you and watching your responses " I slid my hand down from cupping the side of his face, then held his gaze as I slid my fingers down along the side of his neck to his collarbone, he watched raptly as I leaned down and kissed his collarbone softly before tasting him with my tongue, enjoying his soft gasp of surprise "Your so beautiful to me Michael, truly. I love looking at you. I love everything about being with you, if that means I am gay, so be it." I say as I lift my head to hold his gaze once more. "I am head over heels in love with you." I tucked a stray blond lock of hair behind his ear as he stared at me with those bright blue soulful eyes of his that made my heart stutter as his lashes fluttered and he bit his lip shyly between his teeth.

"You belong to me now baby, and I belong to you, now and forever" I whispered the promise into his ear then kissed his brow and finally, captured his lips to seal the newly made promise with a kiss. He returned my kiss, his arms slide up onto my shoulders, around the back of my neck, threading his fingers into my hair as he kissed me back tentatively, at first. Feeling me returning his kiss, it becomes more confident. I reveled in the feeling of kissing his sweet soft lips, then wrap my arms around him again tightly, burying my face into his neck, nuzzling, feeling his soft curls against my face, inhaling the sweet scent of him, his scent, burning it into my memory... like a wild animal scenting its mate. I was intoxicated by it. I felt heated and giddy with his acceptance of my declaration of love. My lips finding his pulse in a little hollow at the base of his neck and gently kissing and tasting the tender flesh there. Slowly sliding one hand down to grasp his thigh, moving him until I am lodged firmly between his thighs, his legs starting to quiver as they instinctively wrap around my waist.

I began nibbling and kissing along his neck until I reached just beneath his ear, then the soft little earlobe I had just been whispering to I gave a tender little kiss. Then with almost painful slowness, I darted the tip of my tongue against the delicious skin along the side of his neck again moving my mouth over his throat as my lips trailed their way from one side to the other, marking him. "Mine...." I whispered huskily, my arms tightening around him with a sense of rightness, feeling him shiver in response to my possessive utterance and his fingers thread through my hair again. I pressed a burning kiss on what belonged to me now and felt him trembling beneath me. I lifted my head for a moment to assess him and was greeted by his half-closed eyes, his lips part softly... Satisfaction in his response filled me. I had never imagined I would be coaxing this particular response out of Michael, and never before has it been so satisfying to see.

I wanted to make everything perfect for him. I never expected to feel love like this for anyone, let alone for Michael, but my love for him was the driving force within me now. I watched him intently before slowly pressing my hips down and slightly tilt them forward into him as my heavy body pinned his smaller one beneath it. His lips parted further as he gasped and whimpered out a soft mewling sound and his lashes flutter as his eyes closed. Hearing that pure unedited sound while witnessing his response rocketed lust through me.

I covered his mouth with mine, kissing him deeply as my tongue delved in to tangle with his. I dominated the kiss and felt the vibration of his sweet little whimpers and moans of desire. I pressed my heavy body into his more fully. His moans and whimpers escaped again into my kiss and sent a thrill of pleasure through me. I deepened the kiss further, ravaging his mouth as a low rumbling moan escaped me.

His arms wrapped around me more tightly, his hands grasped onto my broad muscled shoulders, clinging desperately as he made that soft little whimper and whispered my name "Devlin..."

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