Trucks and Talking and Travel Oh My!

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Devlin's POV

I took a deep breath to collect my thoughts but was startled out of my reverie when I heard footsteps and the door that lead to the gymnasium close. Frowning, I turned to look in the direction of the sounds I had just heard. "Let's continue this conversation on the drive home."

Michael must have heard them as well, he was already getting the rest of his stuff together and putting his lock in place. I was hoping that was someone coming in and not leaving after having witnessed our little exchange. But I had my doubts.

The walk back out through the silent empty school to my truck in the back lot was uncharacteristically quiet. I always drove us since we pretty much were in all the same sports, activities and classes together. And Michael's car looked like it might fall apart, sounded like it too. My parents let me get a summer job last year with a construction company, I had my heart set on a beefy looking lifted four door truck, my dad warned me that it was going to be expensive and it was unlikely I would make enough money to buy it. Suggesting I set my sights a little lower, maybe an older model rather than the new one. But when I set my mind to something, I was stubborn. And the construction job had been great pay with plenty of overtime. In fact I hadn't spent a penny on superfluous stuff and saved it all down to the last dime. My parents had been so impressed that they helped me pay the difference, and paid my insurance for me.

So Michael and I threw our stuff into the back seat and climbed up into my big black 4x4 Tundra it started up with a smooth deep rumble. I loved my truck.

Michael was sitting silently on the far side, almost pressed against the passenger door, staring out the window.

I wanted to say something reassuring, but I honestly had no idea what to say, so I figured that simple honesty was best.

"So this is an interesting situation isn't it?" I said baldly as I shifted uncomfortably in my seat.

He sighed softly, then responded with a subdued tone "Yeah." and continued looking out the window. He certainly wasn't trying to make this easy for me.

I fought back mild irritation. He had been the one to blindside me afterall, and I felt I had handled it like a freaking rock star.

"Well?" I prompted impatiently

He sighed again and after a pause, he huffed out "Well what Dev?."

"Well now what, dumb ass!?" I snapped back, my hands tightening on the steering wheel, unable to keep my irritation at bay. That got his attention, he turned and cocked his curly blond head to the side.

His brows furrowed, he glared at me and snapped right back, "I have no fucking clue Devlin!" he huffed. "I've never dated, never kissed anyone before," his voice hitched up an octave or two as he started winding up and continued his rant "I have never done anything like this, never even held hands with anyone!!!l".

"Except fat Dawn in third grade" I shot back at him quickly when he took a breath.

"That doesn't count!!!" He yelled

"Yes it does, you held hands with her every day for a week until she got caught in class picking her nose." I couldn't help myself. "Boogs." I called him, a nickname that I had started and he had to live down until the end of school that year. I started laughing as he punched me in the arm "Asshole." he replied, but I could hear a little humor creeping into his voice.

"There that's better." I flashed him a quick grin, and he shook his head at me, his dimples flashed as he tried to hide an amused smile, but I saw it.

"Ohhh Michael, Michael, Michael, What the hell am I going to do with you?" I rake my fingers through my hair In exacerbation.

He sighed, shaking his head and shrugged. "I hadn't really thought that far ahead." he admitted sheepishly.

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