Love Like Christmas Morning

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I cupped the side of Michael's face, losing myself in the bright endless sky blue gaze of his love, and slowly dragged my across thumb across Michael's soft full lips, watching mesmerized as the soft skin, pliable, tenderly caught on the pad of his gently caressing thumb... "So frightfully wrought... is your beauty... My own sweet lover." I whispered softly in wonder at the beautiful love that had been right in front of me, just patiently waiting, for years.

Michael's lips parted, as I moved my thumb slowly back across the slightly parted lips... mesmerized by the perfect pink color, the flawless supple texture. I watched closely as I slid my thumb inside Michaels mouth slightly, Michael's soft pink little tongue just inside, and slid my thumb in further and stroked it in as Michael slid his tongue across my seeking thumb and my own lips parted, breath quickened... not just because of the feel of it... but because this act... Michael laying there and not only submitting to my intimately invasive action, but doing so without reserve and then his little action, just touching his tongue to the pad of the invading thumb... and not in a way that was trying to retake control of the act... but as another attempt of surrender... an attempt to seek to please.... Michael truly found deep pleasure and satisfaction in his surrender to me... and that... that... exquisite beauty of complete surrender... witnessed in such a small, innocent act, is what sent the intense ripple of electric desire through me...

My cock, which had been softening, changed quickly... with his sweet mouth and little tongue caress... Michaels eyes widened as I started swelling back up inside of him almost instantly with the stroke of his tongue across my thumb. His eyes fixed to mine as he had his own realization, I could tell this because, his tongue immediately became less tentative and more purposeful and his lids shuttered softly as he closed his sweet perfectly soft pink lips closed around my thumb and began to suck on it... I felt myself tilt as my eyes closed tightly, and I groaned loud and hard, my entire body tensing, holding myself still while hmy cock hardened so rapidly it was almost painfully within Michaels tight clenching little ass... it was an exercise in exceptional self control, not to move...

Michael instantly released Dmy thumb and groaned, his face tight and he was grimacing in what looked like pain... "Baby are you ok? I haven't moved... " He nodded , his eyes still shut tightly "Its ok just give me a moment." he ground out...

"This isn't right... I can't do this.." I furrowed my brow as I looked at my sweet little blond lover trying so hard to do this for me. It felt wrong to me, but I dare not move to pull out, that would hurt him just as much or more then my cock just getting hard inside of his tight little ass

""Baby, we don't have to do this, we have our whole lives to figure this all out."

He was finally relaxing and opened his eyes, he shook his head at me "No, I want this Dev, I really do... I trust you to figure it out, or if you can't, I trust you to not hurt me... but I want to at least try, it's important to me. And I know what your going to say when I tell you this, but please do me the courtesy of not disagreeing with me, and not saying anything until I've finished.."

"I know how much you like sex... like... addicted to sex... tons of it...... and I know you have had it with plenty of girls...

But now, It's just you and me." He sighed and frowned trying to think of how to phrase what he was feeling then said softly "We're.... together now... and I want to get to experience this part of you too... I know I'm not your first... but since you are my first... well, my first.. everything... It's even more important to me... more than just important... I need it Dev... I need to know that I am able to be everything with you... and to have all of you too... no missing parts... if that makes sense?"

"And I have waited for this with you Devlin, waited for so very long for your love."

His face was bright red with the effort of exposing his inner thoughts and desires to me about this, but he had gotten through it and said his piece... always so brave...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2019 ⏰

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