New Rules

50 11 5

Michael's POV

I was excited, it had been a few weeks since the cabin, and everything had resumed to normal, with one exception, "The Rules" . They were literally the highs in my life. I cherished and revelled in every single moment of them. However, even though Devlin had told me it was ok, I never asked for anything, especially if there was ever a chance someone could walk in.

It just didn't feel like it would be fair to put Devlin in that kind of situation. And the last thing I wanted to do was to make Devlin feel awkward enough to retract the offer. So I had been incredibly miserly with my requests. But tonight was different, in that we finally had some real alone time.

My mom was not going to be home till next tuesday, and me and Devlin had the house to ourselves until then. And it was football night! So it was beer, pizza, chips and football. And maybe some hand holding and cuddling, if Devlin initiated it of course. I didn't want to possibly ruin anything by pushing him to much, maybe he wanted to watch the game without being bothered by that "Mushy stuff" as he liked to call it.

Devlin had just gotten back a little while ago from the beer run and came around the corner at that moment carrying two beers and snatched up the remote handing a beer to Michael flicking around through the channels "Sweet, didn't miss pregame" Devlin plopped himself down on the couch and settled himself in leaning back, legs sprawled out, leaned over and farted . Then waved it away absently as he adjusted the volume on the game quick when the announcers started flashing up player stats

Taking another pull of the beer he raised an eyebrow. I hadn't even called Devlin disgusting when he farted. So when Devlin looked over at me, I could tell he was giving me the 'uh oh is Michael on the cray-cray train again' look. I knew he knew something was off when suddenly he asked "Dude, what the fuck is eating you, you've been weird and squirming around, fidgeting holes in your clothes since we got here." He took another drink of beer. "I know better than to let you stew about shit anymore man, no crazy train for you tonight, so you better spill it before the game starts."

I quickly ran through it in my mind while my hands fidgeted with the string of my shorts. I was sitting on the couch about an arms length from Devlin because I had just felt too awkward to sit closer without permission. But I didn't know if I should ask, or if Devlin should be the one to initiate things. I didn't want to say anything to possibly make Devlin uncomfortable. What if that made him not want to do it anymore, or started making him feel weird about even being around Me. I certainly didn't want to risk what I had, and realized I just had to keep it to myself and obviously it hadn't occurred to Devlin, so it wasn't going to be happening tonight.

I was disappointed, but at least I got to spend time with Devlin watching the game, it was always fun, watching Devlin watching the game was an event in itself.

So, after weighing the pros and cons with lightning speed, I decided against saying anything about it and glanced over at Devlin and shrugged "Nothings wrong." and took a drink of my own beer and leaned back on the couch to settle in and watch the game.

Devlin sat forward and scooted over to me, smirking and in a whisper said "You do realize, that I know you better than that and I know that your totally full of shit, right?."

Devlin chuckled at me as I blushed with embarrassment, damn he knew me well. He took another drink of his beer. Then scooted back into his comfy spot in the couch, leaned back and patted the space right beside him on the couch looking at me expectantly "You didn't think I forgot about our "rules" did you?"

I blushed bright red, cause I totally had. "Ah I see, you did. Ok well new rule then, if you want to be closer and stuff, you can tap me on the arm and just ask man." That certainly made things easier, I mean, a rule is a rule, I was almost giddy with happiness.

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