Savage Social Media

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   I woke the next morning expecting a warm snuggled up Michael to be tangled around me but instead, I woke to cold and silence... Michael was gone from the bed... I waited for a little while, listening for any sound indicating where he might be, then called out his name, but there was only silence.

"What the fuck now?" I grumbled sleepily, but I shook off the sleep and got quickly to my feet, something felt off... It could just be leftover emotions from everything that had been going on over the last few months... But I couldn't help but feel that if everything was fine Michael would have either climbed back into bed with me, or started cooking breakfast, we may not have been a couple long, but I knew Michael and his behavior patterns better then I knew my own.

I strode through the house, cursing under my breath as each room I walked past was found empty.

I went back to the bedroom and grabbed up the boxers that had been dropped on the floor last night, pulling them on and threw on my Timbs, not bothering to tie them, or bother with a shirt or jacket, as my worry for Michael began to escalate rapidly.

I couldn't fathom what may have happened but knew that something had to be wrong for him to just take off like, my stomach was already doing flips inside and I had to force myself not to jump to conclusions.

I loped out the door, slamming it closed behind me and bound down the steps in one leap... it had rained last night and there were fresh tracks in the muddy ground ... I was grateful for the muddy ground as I followed the tracks at a dead run, they had been heading in the direction of the shed but had suddenly veered off towards the woods... I started calling his name as I ran, my long legs covered the distance quickly despite my size, the reason I was a star quarterback apparent in my ground consuming strides... I crested the first hill at the ridgeline and immediately slowed to a brisk jog... There he was, sitting on a log facing away from me, looking down at his hands...

I called his name and he startled, looking up in my direction almost in a panic, then right back down at his hands... Something was definitely wrong, his eyes were red and puffy from crying, but at least he wasn't laying somewhere hurt or worse... I swallowed down the panic that had grabbed me when I had imagined him having met some mysterious horrid fate in the woods, I relaxed a bit now that I knew he wasn't in imminent danger... he was fine so whatever else was wrong, I would deal with it...

"Michael, you can't do that to me, just taking off like that, you scared the shit out of me"... He didn't look up... just wordlessly handed me his cell and sniffled... I took it from him and scanned the contents on the screen...

Fuck me...

It was all over social media. The posted topic question: Which two dudes were making out after hours in the locker room? There were plenty of guesses... but then an "Anonomister" posted us, added that we had stayed after practice... even threw in some eavesdropped quotes that were overheard...

"Fuckin nosy fucks" This time I said it out loud...

I handed him his phone back "I'm not sure what exactly brought you to tears, but can we continue this inside? It's a bit brisk out here."

He finally looked at me in surprise when he realized I was wearing nothing but my low slung boxers and my timberlands, then his face turned red as he blushed.

I arch a brow at him "You've seen me shirtless every summer since grade school...what's with the blush?"

His red face went another three shades as he shyly responded "I guess before I was never drawn to where the "V" of your 6 pack that angles down into your boxers?"

"Ah, I see." I chuckled and playfully snatched off his hat and ruffled his hair

"To bad for you that your boyfriend is hotter than you" I teased and pulled him to me, cupping his face and brushing the tears from his cheeks then planting a kiss right on his surprised face... I immediately noticed that he was obviously not expecting my declaration of us as a couple.

Transcendental (Working Title) Completed First Draft Revising Rewriting EditingWhere stories live. Discover now