In or Out

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Mature Content

The smell of bacon and coffee and snuggled warmly into a big chest with arms cradling me as if I was fine porcelain, felt hands gently running through my hair then down the side of my face only to start its path again, with a softly whispered, "Good morning sleepy head. rise and shine, I made you breakfast in bed." and felt a soft kiss to my forehead, wow. I could get use to this. where did my self centered, hard core , doesn't give a shit "Devil" go. "Mmmm I stretched a little and wrapped my arms more securely around his shoulders "fifteen more minutes" I mumbled sleepily and felt a chuckle rumbles through his chest. I smiled sleepily and turned my face up to his kisses and was rewarded with sweet soft kisses on my face and I snuggled closer and kissed him back when he pressed a tender kiss to my lips "Good Morning." I greeted in a contented sleepy voice. "Your so adorable all sleepy and cuddly in the morning, it was hard to get out of bed, but I thought a little breakfast in bed might be nice seeing as you may be wheelchair bound again this morning", he chuckled softly as he ran his fingers through my hair. Then I rolled over and went to sit up "ouch. ok. yeah. a little sore." I blushed bright red when he chuckled "Don't worry baby. I promise to leave your poor bottom in peace today." He chuckled and ruffled my hair again, I just leaned into him and basked happily in all the attention. "I'm not use to having all this attention, your going to spoil me."

I was the kid who was the quiet one in the corner. the one that was overlooked. the only reason I even had any notoriety at school was because Devlin was my best friend. But now, I felt like I was being put up on a pedestal.

He propped some pillows behind my back and got up, bringing over a tray of breakfast eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, toast, and my favorite Nutella spread on the toast with marmalade. "I intend to spoil you so rotten that you feel like royalty baby." Devlin murmured into my ear then pressed a soft kiss to my temple. where did this gentle attentive, loving Devlin come from??? . I blinked at him and he practically preened with pride. "Thank you." I had never been treated so well. I was still having trouble wrapping my head around it all. I didn't feel like I deserved all of this. I was just an annoyingly clingy overly dependent person. I knew he would eventually get tired of me. it was just a matter of time until my shyness coupled with my need for constant reassurance was going to get under his skin. Just like the girls he dated. clingy girls always annoyed him by day three or four. And honestly. I was just boring old Michael. and he was. well.. He was the hottest most popular guy in school. football star. homecoming King 3 years running and probably this year as well.. How could I hope to hold the interest of someone larger than life like Devlin. Only reason I wasn't completely ostracized from the "cool crowd" was because Devlin would kick anyone's ass who said anything about me. if it weren't for him I would probably be the quiet kid no one ever talked too. I sighed and realized I should just enjoy it while it lasted "Hey now." He put a finger under my chin and made me look at him. "What's going on in that head of yours baby." I looked up at Devlin and blushed. How was it he seemed to read my damn mind all the time "Nothing." I shrugged and smiled brightly. he arched a brow at me but didn't push. We ate breakfast in a comfortable silence "So what do you want to do today ? he asked between bites , I looked at him all sexy just wearing his briefs. he smirked at me and I blushed. "We can do that too." he winked at me and I blushed even redder he ruffled my hair and gathered up the tray and plates and set them on the dresser then crawled back into the bed with me. pulling me over into his lap and proceeded to kiss me with tenderness while running his fingers through my hair, I felt warmth slowly spreading through me as he pulled me up til I was straddling his lap "I don't think I will ever get tired of kissing you baby." I nodded at him, already feeling the hazy sweetness that always seemed to take over whenever he kissed me, I wanted him to keep kissing me so I ran my fingers up into his hair and pulled his head to mine and initiated another kiss. He groaned softly every time I whimpered or moaned and soon I felt his hands sliding over my body and down until he was stroking my cock. I went weak with desire and clung to his shoulders as he slid one hand into my hair and used it to guide me where he wanted me , he pulled back to look at me and I had to focus to see him. it was so difficult to think with all the sensations running through me, I saw his gaze darken intensely and he watched me as he stroked my cock from root to tip then dragged his thumb across the top. my eyes rolled back and a whining moan rippled out of me and I felt a shudder of pleasure vibrate through by body as my back arched, thrusting my cock into his grasping hand "Jesus your such a hot little thing baby. " he said in a low husky voice "Nnnngh Dev. M'gonna ." Mmmm that's right love. just let yourself feel it . so sweet. I love you baby." in this moment all my doubts fled. I felt his love for me like it was a warm blanket filling my heart and the overwhelming emotions had tears filling my eyes as I focused on him again. and I could see how much he loved me in his look just before he crashed his mouth to mine and wrapped his arms around me, holding me tightly as I felt the pleasure crest and rip through me as his kiss plundered my mouth aggressively. wave after wave of pleasure whipped through me as I clung to him like my life depended on it and I was a moaning writhing mess of pleasure until finally I was spent and went limp, his arms the only thing keeping me upright. he crooned soft sweet little sounds to me, I had no idea what he was saying but he carefully brought me to his shoulder where I could nuzzle into his neck and I felt myself drift off on the soft comfortable cloud he had created just for me. his big safe arms wrapped around me. nothing could touch me here.

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