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Mature Sexual Content

I gave him a few moments as he panted to catch his breath, I took the opportunity to lean down to whisper in his ear, "You know it's pointless to struggle" and smirked down at him.

"Please" he begged in desperate breathlessness. "Please, I'm begging Dev, please?" He was looking up at me pleadingly, his tongue flicked out to wet his full pink lips that were parted and he was still panting softly, his blond curls tousled adorably, his long lashes fluttered over his bright blue eyes. God, he was so beautiful to me it stole my breath away.

I'm not sure what exactly it was. Maybe the fact that we were wrestling around in a bed, or that all the struggling in the warm room had our bodies slick with sweat. Or maybe when I laid down on him to whisper with full-body contact, his entire body had still been squirming under me. Or perhaps it was that breathless pleading that sounded so sexy it should be illegal.

Whatever it was, suddenly, I was no longer laughing. I had stopped laughing and desire rippled through me like electricity.

He hadn't registered the change in me yet and was still squirming around under me, letting out a whimpering a litany of "please please please Devlin" chanted sexily in my ears.

Desire hit me with the subtlety of a Mack truck, His squirming body beneath me along with his sweet voice pleading, was driving me insane.

Almost without thought, I had let go of his wrists and tangled my hand into his hair, before he knew what was happening, I had pulled his head back and to the side, and was pressing my mouth into the side of his neck kissing it and tasting his tender skin there, inhaling his scent, caressing the sweet little pulse that lived in the nook there just behind his ear with my tongue and lips, pressing my hips down into his.

Michael was so incredibly responsive to my touch, that was all it took and he instinctively was wrapping his legs tightly about my waist. I sat back for a moment to look down at him.

He was watching me quietly from beneath his lowered lashes, his lips already slightly parted. He was panting, but whether from the tickling and wrestling around we had been doing or from the desire that was clearly stamped on his beautiful face was up for debate. I lifted myself off of him slowly, sliding my hand down his body to his thigh, lifting it so I could lean down and kiss the sensitive inner flesh as my hand glided down in a slow caress. he whimpered that sexy little whimper again that curled through me like lightning and went straight to my shaft, making it ache with need.

I slid my hand back up his body and held myself up above him so I could watch his reaction to my touch, it amazed me how incredibly in love I was with him. He was laying beneath me, looking up at me with so much love shining in his eyes, it almost made me feel weak. I shook my head in sheer incredulity at the depth of emotion. It was unreal, something you read about in fairy tales and something I never in a million years thought actually existed. He saw me shake my head "What's wrong?" he asked me with trepidation coloring his tone.

"You have me reeling Michael," I answered him honestly. "I love you so damn much it actually makes me ache," I admitted and his worried expression changed, his face now reflecting the intense love I had just confessed to having for him, right back at me. He lifted a hand to my face as if he needed to touch me to make sure this was real and not a dream, I felt the same.

I turned and pressed a kiss to his hand, "I think I have always been coming for you, Michael. I've always felt driven to take care of you, I just didn't know why. But it makes sense now. Somewhere inside, I think I must have always known that you belonged to me, baby. On some level, I knew you were mine to keep and protect. "

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