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I flinch as America's finger tightens on the gun. She whispers, "Goodbye." as she tries to kill me.

Nothing happens.

I open my eyes to see America inspecting the gun. She pulls out a pregnancy test, and crumples to the floor.

She starts to weep.

I don't go to comfort the woman who tried to take my life. I stand there, letting her inflict pain upon herself.

I don't object.

"I'm- so-sorry, August. I-c-can't i-imagine what I could have done."

I slightly pity her and hug her on the floor. She stops weeping, gets up and writes something on a piece of paper. I stand there, waiting for her to finish writing the long note, and she puts it on my table, and leaves.

It Didn't Take Me Long to Love You~~A Selection Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now