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I was walking deeper in the woods. After some minutes i finally found the river. I sat down and start crying. I always come here to get the stress and sadness out. It was pretty dark, but i didn't care anymore. I cried my eyes out looking in my reflection.

" Everyone hates me, my boyfriend dumped me, my mother drinks, i even hate myself, i don't even know why i'm still live. I should die. Nobody will notice my disappearance." I said looking at my refection.

" You sure have a sad life" i hear from behind. When i looked i saw a figure. It started walking towards me. But i didn't do anything, i didn't care if i was gonna die. I turned back to face the river.

" Who are you? What do you want? If you want to kill me i'm ok with it. " i said still crying. I heard a chuckle. The figure sat beside me.

" I'm not gonna kill you and btw i'm Yoongi. You?" he said looking at the river.

*sigh* " Y/n, what brings you here?" I said while stoping crying.

" Well i just like to take walks in the woods, it's refresing." He said looking at the sky.

" Good for you i guess.... " i said in a low voice but still high enough so he could hear.

" Why did you come here? " he said looking at me. I looked at him.

" To let out stress and sadness...." i said looking at the river.

" I see... Y/n?" he said still looking at me.

"Mmh?" I mumble.

" Why did you say that everybody hates you?" He asked me curious.

" At school everybody bullies me, and my boyfri-  ex dumped me for no f*cking reason. My mother drinks and is mad at me all the time. I even hate myself. And all i did was just to stay away from everybody not giving a singla damn." i said while trying not to start cry again.

" God still exists right?" he said chuckling.

" I don't think so..."

" Oh come on i was joking"


" But why did you open up so fast?"

" I don't care anymore to who i open up, i just want to end it all... maybe tomorrow..." i said sad.

"Nooo, i want to hang with you more."

" Fine, do you have school tomorrow?" I said looking at him.

" Yeah, and i can't skip" he said looking at me.

" Can i stay at your house? I really don't want to go home. Not now." I said while standing up.

" Umm, i'm still a stranger, aren't you scared i'm gonna do something? You don't even know me."

" Do i look like i f*cking care? I will be the happiest if you killed me and if you refer to sexual stuff , i can sleep on the floor." I said while he standed up.

" Yep you can stay at my place,but..... i have 6 other brothers, if it's ok." He looked at me waiting for an answer.

" As long as i stay in your room , i don't care." I said turning around and going towards the woods.

" Ok" he said following me.

I started a new book because i'm in a depressed stage...a really bad one sooo... i kind of take things off my chest this way. I hope you will like this story.

The forest (Yoongi x Reader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now