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(That girl from the photo is Y/n, i forgot to ad the photo to the first chapter)


I woke up because of that stupid alarm. It's 11 am. I got up and headed downstairs. My mother was asleep. I got to the kitchen and made myself a sandwich. I headed to my room with the sandwich. I sat on my bed and started eating. After some minutes i saw that i got a message.

Yoongi: Are you awake?

Y/n: Yeah. What are you doing?

Yoongi: Good,eating breakfast with the others.

Y/n: Yeah,k. Talk to you later.

Yoongi: See ya at the river.

Uhhh. I forgot. I have to go to that shelter. It's 11:40. I have time. I got dressed like this:

When i arrived at the shelter he was already there

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When i arrived at the shelter he was already there.

" What took you so long?"

" I'm literally 20 min earlier. How am i late?" I said annoyed.

" Just kidding. Let's go inside." He said opening the door.

If you are wondering what is going on i'll explain what you just witnessed. I work at a shelter full of animals. And he is my boss. He likes to make jokes. I only work once a week. He knows my condition. Annnd i have to take care of animals. Sweet. But not when i have to clean their cages. It's not sweet at all. But i'm not complaining. I love them. ( the animals, not the sh*t)

Ohhh god it's 12:40. I have to meet the guys.

" Hey boss i need to leave. Have fun with the sh*t! Bye!" I said while heading out.

I got here on time, it's 12:55. I sat down and looked at the river. I saw that flowers started to grow and grass too. The trees were more green. And the water more clear. My silence was interrupted by screams.



"We are meeting her"




I saw 7 guys and 4 screaming.

"OHHHH HEEELLLOOO Y/N!" Said one of them. I sat up. He came and hugged me......? He broke the hug and said " I'm Hoseok! You can call me J-hope or Hobi!" He said full of smile. The others came and introduced themselves.

" Nice to meet you guys" i said looking at them.

" Nice to meet you too." Said that guy Namjoon.

" Oh i need to tell you guys something. Maybe it will make you think twice before hanging out with me." They looked at me confused.

" Everyone that hang aroung with me ends up hurt. They end up sad. They end up hating me. So please think twice. I will not be angry with you if you decide to not hang out with me. Just say the truth." I said looking at the river.

" I will never back away from you. I will always be by your side. You are interesting  and fun to hang out with." Said Hoseok smiling. And the others started nodding and agreeing. I looked at them shocked, not believing what i heard. They looked at me worried.

" Are you ok? You seem pale. Are you sick?  Do you need something?" Said Taehyung. I looked even more shocked. Even though i had a mask on you could still see it on my face.

" I-i-it's just.... nobody told me that before... nobody cared about me, i'm used to people telling me that i'm worthless and nothing." They looked shocked.

" Can you tell us a little more about you? Since we are friends?" Said Jimin.

The forest (Yoongi x Reader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now