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" What do you mean? When did Jack talk with you?" I asked looking at her.

" You know this morning when i wasn't home? He called me and told me to come to his apartment to talk. I didn't want at first. But i ended up at his apartment." She said looking down at the floor.

" Tell me everything. Now." I said demanding.


" I came. Now tell me what you want Jack"

" Just come in and have a seat." I sighed.

I sat on the chair.

" I want to talk with you about Y/n"

" What about that brat?"

" First of all. She is not a brat."

" Yeah right. What have she done good to not be a brat?"

" She is working. You know i have a animal shelter, right? She works for me. But once a week. Cause i know everything." He said looking coldly at me.

" S-seriously?"

'She is working?'

" Yeah. And she asked me for another job. But what about you? Are you working?"

" I-i....No"

" But from where do you have money if you don't work?"

" I-i...steal."

" You have to open your eyes and see that Y/n does everything that you should do. And she is just a teen. She skips school just to work and buy you beer. Do you understand what is wrong now?"

"Y-yes" I said now crying.

He talked more about Y/n. It's like i don't know my own daughter.


" And he talked more about you. I'm s-"
I cut her off.

"No. Sorry it's not gonna fix anything." I said looking down. I wasn't crying anymore.

" You know why i skip school right?" I continued.

" Yeah..."

And i told her something that will help me in the future. She agreed and walked right out the door heading toward the school.


It's Monday. 5am. I start school at 8am.
I got out of bed and took a quick shower. When i was done i dressed like this:

I got in the kitchen and made coffe for me and my mom

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I got in the kitchen and made coffe for me and my mom. Yeah we ended up ok.
I put my coffe down and started drinking. After some minutes mom showed up,sat next to me at the table and started drinking her coffe.

" Thanks honey. Oh btw. You don't need to go to that coffe shop today"

" What? Why?" I asked confused putting my coffe on the table.

" I talked with Jack and i will work there. You are a teen. I should work. Not you. And also you need to go everyday there so it will be hard for you."

" I- Thank you Mom." I said hugging her.

We talked for more. I looked at the clock and saw that it was already 7am.

" Mom i need to go to school. Bye."

" Wait! You need to cover the cuts that are on your face! Take this mask." She handed me a black mask.

" Thank you. I need to go now. Bye."

" Byee honey love youuu!"

And as she said that i walked out the door. I still can't tell her that i love her. Things are going to fast.
By the time i got to school it was 7:45 am. I have 15 min.
I walked inside and everybody was looking at me.

'Ugh. I really don't want to be here after i skipped a week of school.'

I got to my locker and opened it, took my books and made my way to class. But who thought i will go to class without being interrupted? Not me for sure. In front of me popped out of nowhere the guy that i hate the most. Yeonjun. But luckily for me he was alone.

" Hello there mysterious girl. Why did you come to school?" He asked me with a smirk on his face.

' I want to beat him up so bad'

" Cause i wanted to. Now move." I said looking in his eyes. He just laughed.

" Why would i move?" He said still laughing.

"Cause i said so." And as i said that the bell ringed. The other kids got to class in time but 'luckily' for me, i'm still in the hallway.

" Can you please MOVE? Now?" He just laughed again.

' This guy is getting on my nerves'

I kicked his balls and runned to my class. I got lucky this time because the teacher didn't come. I sat down at the desk from the back. After some minutes the teacher came. He got surprised that i came and started with his lesson.

*Time skip*

As i got out of the door, i got to my locker, got my books and runned off to my history class.
When i got in my class i bumped into someone. When i looked up i saw Namjoon.

" Hey Namjoon. Sorry."

" Oh hey Y/n. I didn't know you were in my class."

" I didn't aswell."

"Where do you usually sit?"

"There" i said pointing at the sit from the back of the class.

" Well that explains it. Do you want to sit with me?" I thinked about it and in the end i agreed. I sat down and waited for the teacher to come. We talked for a little before class started.

" After this class we have launch. Meet me and the boys at the table from the window ok?

" Ok. If i don't come in 10 min. Please look for me."

" Why?"

" Just do it please"

" Ok" He said confused. After that the teacher came and started the lesson.


I wanted to post this yesterday. But i forgot to post it. Hope you like it. Have a great day/night! Sorry for grammar mistakes.

The forest (Yoongi x Reader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now