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"Hey stop laughing! It's not funny." I said trying to stop him from laughing.


We talked about random things. He told me his past. I can't belive the boys are really his brothers. I thought he was just kidding.

" Y/n at what school are you?" He asked me curious.

" At xxxxx why?"

" What? We go there too. How come we never met?" He asked more curious then ever.

" Well probably because i don't have friends and that i'm a loner. I stay more outside in the mini park we have." I said. He was still looking at me with disbelief.

' Is it really that bad that i go to the same school?'

" On monday you are coming to school." He said.

" No."

" It wasn't a question. YOU are coming." I sighed.

'Our classes end at 11am. So i have time to go to the new place i work at.'

" Fine. But after school i need to go to work. So don't expect me to hang around."

" Ok." He said smiling.

' This boy is giving me a headache.'

After we talked for a little more i got home. Mom was on the couch. Watching some k-drama on the TV. I standed there for 2 min before she noticed me.

" Hi Y/n! How was your date?" She said smiling. " Come sit down." She said patting the couch next to her.

' Uhhhh.'

I sat down.

" It was wonderful." I said rolling my eyes inside my head.

" But what about Chae-Dae?" After she said his name i stoped thinking. I started breathing heavier. My hands sweating from the fear i had in me.

" I-he... We aren't together anymore." I said remembering everything.

' I can't belive she is still talking about him.'

" How come? You two were perfect together?" She said looking at the TV.

'I can't take it anymore'

I runed to my room locking it. I started crying. I was crouched down leaning on the door.

" Y/n are you ok? Please open the door." She said at the other side of the door.

" N-NO!"

" Please, Y/n" She said worried.

"W-WHY ARE YOU LIKE T-THIS?" I screamed while crying.

' I can't belive her. Why is she carrying now? Why does she want me to talk to her? I don't understand'

" How?" She asked curious but still worried.


" Because i love you Y/N"


" I'm sorry. Please open the door so we can talk..... Please"

' You know what? I want to hear her. I want to hear why she acts like this.'

" Fine but don't try anything. I have a knife. And i will not hesitate."

" I will not do anything. I promise"

' You and your promises.'

I opened the door just to see a crying women. I sat down on my bed and she did too.

"Tell me why you care." I said trying to stop crying.

" Because i love you. And someone opened my eyes."

"What? Who?" I asked curious.



Sorry if it's short. I don't really have any ideas left. If you can and want leave a comment and tell me your ideas. Thank you!

The forest (Yoongi x Reader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now