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I arrived home. When i entered i saw my mom on the couch with a bottle of beer in her hand.
She looked at me with an angry and disappointed look.

" Where have you been, sl*t?" She said standing up and coming towards me.

"Does it matter? You dont care anyways." I said looking in her eyes. I wasn't afraid of her.

" ANSWER ME B*TCH! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? AND WHY DIDN'T YOU BRING ME BEER?!" She said now in front of me. I didn't flinch at all. I was looking in her eyes disgusted.

" I DON'T NEED TO ANSWER YOU! GO AND GET YOURSELF BEER!" I said angry. She looked at me with more anger in her eyes. She then smashed the beer bottle on the wall. The pieces of glass hit my skin and cut me. I had cuts on my arms and face.

" GO AND BUY BEER SL*T!" she said while going back on the couch. I ran in my room while screming "I F*CKING HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!"
When i got in my room, i jumped on my bed and stared at the ceiling. After some minutes i decided to go to the bathroom to get rid of the blood. I took a shower. After 15 min i came back in my room and saw i got a new message. I looked at my phone and saw a number texted me.

Unknown: Hey, i'm yoongi. Did you got home safe?

Y/n: Oh hey yoongi. Yeah i got home safe, but my mother smashed a bottle of beer on the wall and the pieces of glass flew on my skin. I got a few cuts but i'm ok.

Yoongi: Oh god. Do you want me to come and take you out of there?

Y/n: No, it's ok. I need to go and buy that b*tch beer. Talk to you later.

Yoongi: Ok. Be careful. Bye.

God. I don't know why he cares so much. He will end up hurt. Everybody that hangs out with me ends up hurt. I need to tell him tomorrow this. It's his fault if he decides to still hang out with me. I looked at my closet and decided to wear this:

I got out of the house fast and made my way to the market

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I got out of the house fast and made my way to the market. When i got in i headed to the drinks section. I looked for the beer my mom drinks. I buy her beer because if i don't she will come in my room and will beat me up. I don't want more bruises. I got her 5 beers. But i saw a familiar face. It was jungkook. I didn't want to talk to him. And i have this on my face and i don't want a scene. I got to the cashier.

" Young lady are you ok? Why do you have those cuts on your face if you don't mind me asking?" She said worried.

" I'm ok, don't worry. I had a little accident. Not something big." I said looking at her waiting for an reply. I though she didn't belived my lie. But she did.

" Oh sorry for asking. I was just worried. I hope it will heal soon. 6,32 please." I gave her the money, took the beer that was in a bag and walked away. I didn't got much away before hearing someone calling my name. I looked behind and saw Jungkook.

Oh god what does he want?

"Hey Y/n! Wait!" He said running towards me.

" How do you know my name? I never got to tell you. And what do you want?" I said coldly.

" Yoongi told me about you. He told all of us about you. And i saw you and decided to talk to you." He said while smiling. I was still looking cold at him. After he said that he looked more closer to my face.

" OH GOD WHAT HAPPENED? WHY ARE CUTS ON YOUR FACE? AND ON YOUR HANDS TO-" I put my hand on his mouth. I didn't want people to look at us. I took his hand i dragged him on an alley so nobody saw us.

" Look, i have a rough life ok? I will sometimes have cuts. It's not something serios. Ask Yoongi and he will tell you. Now i need to go home. And if your wandering this beer is not for me. Good? Good. Bye." And i left. When i got home i gave the beer to my mom.

" Oh what a sweaty to give your mom beer. Here. Because you obeyed you can have 20 dollars. Now leave me alone." She said while taking out of the bag a beer. What a crazy women. Well i have 40 dollars. Cool.


" Look, i have a rough life ok? I will sometimes have cuts. It's not something serios. Ask Yoongi and he will tell you. Now i need to go home. And if your wandering this beer is not for me. Good? Good. Bye." She then left. Tf happened? Everything happened so fast. Well i will ask Yoongi about it.
When i got home all the guys were sitting on the couch.

"Yoongi? Why does Y/n have cuts on her face and arms? I saw her at the market. She said she had a rough life and sometimes will have cuts.... What is happening?" I said sitting next to my hyungs.

" Well..." then he started telling me everything he knew. At first when he told us about her, he just told us her name and little things that he noticed.

" WHATT?! WHERE IS GOD?! " said Hobi looking at Yoongi with a worried look.

" I will like to meet her! She seems.....depressed." Jimin said while the others nodded. I just thought how she is still alive. If it was me i will already be dead.


I was now sitting on my bed ready to fall into a deep sleep when my phone rang. It was Yoongi. I answered.

"Hey, Y/n, whould you like to meed with me and the others? They want to meed you."

" Sure. When? Where?"

" Tomorrow at 13 pm, at...idk. Where would you like?"

" The forest please. At the river."

" Oh ok. See you then. Goodn-"

I ended the call. Now i can sleep peacefully.

The forest (Yoongi x Reader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now