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( for Nano❤)

"Wateer!" They said all together. I laughed.


" Ok ready to start?" I asked them.

" Oh hell yeah!" Screamed Taehyung. We started laughing.

"Ok let's go" i said leading the way in the practice room.

" Omg your room is so big. Can i please come here more often to dance?" Asked Hobi with a puppy face.

"Sure. Anytime you want." I replied with a smile on my face.

" Now let's get started. I will first teach Y/n then you guys." He then started to show me the moves. After some time he showed me a part of the choreography.


" No. It's not falling. You put your hands on the floor first." He showed me again." Like this. Try"
I tried to make the move and successfully made it.

"You got it right from the first try! You are a good dancer. Now the next move" And he teached me the rest of the moves. I learned the dance in about 30 min.

" Done. You learned it fast."

" Y/n you told me it took you 2 to 3 hours to learn a choreography."

" If i learn it alone. But if someone teaches me i learn it pretty fast."

" Ok Y/n , you take Yoongi,Jungkook and Jin. I take Taehyung, Namjoon and Jimin."

"Ok" I teached the boys how to do the moves.

" Yoongi you need to do that part faster"

" Aish, i'm tired"

" Move your ass or you will not dance next week"


"Eomma how do i do that part?" Jungkook asked me. I showed him again and he did it.

" You did it." I said. Jungkook smiled.

After we all learned the choreography we did it all at one time. I needed to stay on the side because i will not dance next to the boys. Everything went well.

" AHHHH we are finally doneee" said Yoongi and sat on the floor.

" If you don't move your fat ass that much you will end up in bed at 30 years old" i told him.

" That sound good to me" i laughed.
We stayed to talk more.

" So the concert is at 12pm? Next Monday?"

"Yeah. But we need to be there at 11am." Said Namjoon.

" I'm hungry" said Jin and Jimin at the same time. We started laughing. We ended up in the kitchen eating.

" It's pretty good, Jin."

" Thank you! A worlwide handsome makes worldwide delicious food" We started laughing loudly. After some time my mom got home.

" Hey honey i'm home!"

" I'm here mom!" I screamed from the kitchen. When she came in the kitchen her eyes widened.

" Omg 7 beautiful young man in my house. Which one of you is gonna marry my daughter?" She said happy.

"MOM!" They all laughed except me.

" I'm just kiding honey. Did you all eat?"

" Yes miss." Said Jungkook.

" Hey, you can call me Martha."

" Ok miss Martha" said Jungkook. She laughed.

" Do you kids will stay more for dinner too? If your parents are ok with it."

" We are sorry Miss Martha but we need to go home. But we can maybe come for dinner next time. We are really sorry." Said Namjoon. They got up and went to the door. I opened the door for them and when they were about to leave.

" Be careful! Byee!" She said coming to hug them. They stepped outside and before leaving Jungkook said. " Bye Miss Martha!" After that i closed the door and went on the couch.

" They all are sweethearts!" Said mom sitting on the couch beside me.

"So" she bumped into me intentionally with her shoulder. " Who do you like?" She asked me smiling.

" What? I don't like any of them"

" Ok. If you say so." She smiled.

" I'm going to take a shower" i got up and walked to the stairs but mom stoped me.

" Wait honey i need to take the bandage off" she took it off and i went to take a long cold shower.

'I'm excited for the concert'


Yaah. Another chapter. Have a great day/night!

The forest (Yoongi x Reader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now