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"Hello Y/n!" I heard a familiar voice. I turned around and saw.......YOONGI?!


"What are you doing here Yoongi?"

"You forgot your hoodie at my place and i wanted to give it back" he said looking at me.

"Y/n why didn't you tell me you had a boyfriend?  This young man waited for you." She said smiling.

(Sorry for interrupting but when you see writing in ' ' that is what they are thinking)

'Who is this women? Mom hasn't been like this for more then 10 years. And boyfriend? I'm gonna play along.'

" Sorry. I didn't know it would matter." We sat down on the couch that was now clean. Not with  bottles of beer all over it.

"So Yoongi how did you meet my sweet daughter?" She said smiling.

' I don't undersant. Yoongi already knows how my mom is really. And why did he said that he is my boyfriend. He is gonna have a lot of explaining to do.'

" We meet at the park. She was sitting down on a bench and i decided to talk to her." He said with his hand on my thigh. I really want to take it off but then mom will be suspicios.

" Oh how sweet of you. Do you want me to make you a cup of coffe?" Yoongi nodded. While mom was gone and we were alone i was giving him dead glares.

" What? Just play along for a little more. Remember. We are together for 4 months and you had a sleepover and that's why i came to give you the hoodie. I already told her this. I will explain everything after this. Just don't be mad." He said whispering in my ear. I just nodded. My mom came back with 3 cups of coffe. She plased them on the coffe table that was full of beer bottles this morning.

" So honey for how long have you been together?" She said smiling and sitting down.

" 4 months. And i love him very much. We have a date at-" i looked at the clock. It was 13:50pm." At 14pm so i need to get ready" i standed up and walked to my room.


" So do you love my daughter?" She said whispering so Y/n couldn't hear.

" Yeah i do. Very much." I said turning red from the embarrassment.

" Take good care of her." She said smiling.

' I can't belive this women hurt Y/n so much and is telling me to take care of her. She already can take care of her herself. She doesn't need my help. I hate when people are hiding their true selfs. And this women is doing just that."

" I will, don't worry!" I said fake smiling at her. After 5 min Y/n came down.


'I didn't know what to wear to make it look like a date. Yoongi is already wearing something simple. Oh. Maybe this will work.'

I wore this:

(Without the bag, but if you want you can leave it

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(Without the bag, but if you want you can leave it. But i will not mention it.)

Looks like a date outfit....right?

' I haven't been on a date my whole life. When i was with Chen-Dae he wouldn't take me out to dates. Uhh this is frustrating.'

I got down and Yoongi was looking at me like he has seen a ghost.

'Have i dressed up to much?'

After that we had left.

" Yoongi...." i said coldly.

" Yes?" He said still not noticing my tone.

" You have explaining to do, don't you?" I said on the darkes tone i can make. He looked at me realizing the tone i had.

" Ok let's go to the river and i will explain everything."

" Fine"

When we arrived. We sat down on the green grass.

" Ok i will start."


'I should give Y/n her hoodie. She left it here.'

Hoseok told me he was working with her boss and that her boss knew where she lived. I got her location and walked there. I ringed the bell and a probably 41 years old lady opened the door.

"Who are you young man?" I started panicking.

" Y-Y/n boyfriend?" I said more asking myself. Her eyes widened.

" Can you wait a little there young man?"

" Sure." After that she closed the door. After 15 min she came back.

" Sorry for waiting i had something important to do."

' Did she kill Y/n and hide her body? Cause she is not answering her phone.'

" Come in. Make yourself like home."

" So what is making you come here?" She said sweat.

" Y/n forgot her hoodie at my place and i wanted to give it back." She then started asking me questions. Like how, when did we met. And how long have me been together. After that she said she needed to wash something in the kitchen and left me in the living room. After that Y/n came.


"That is all." He said looking at me.

"You could of said that we were friends."

"Sorry i was stressed."

"Uhhh, it's ok." I said annoyed a little bit because of my mom.

" Now i need to stay in these clothes. UHHHH" i said irritated. After i said that i heard Yoongi laughing.

"Hey stop laughing! It's not funny." I said trying to stop him from laughing.


Nobody is reading my story. Yay. I'm so happy that i'm working so hard on this story so nobody would see it.(sarcasm) Bye see you.

The forest (Yoongi x Reader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now