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" Ok" He said confused. After that the teacher came and started the lesson.


The lesson finished. I got up and started to walk to the door. But Namjoon stopped me.

"Y/n don't forget to come." He said smiling and walking to the door.

" Yeah and don't forget what i said" He looked at me smiled as an yes and waved. I got to my locker and put my things in it and headed to the bathroom.
I entered a stall and did my thing,but before i could come out i heard a familiar voice.

" Jennie, Yeonjun told me that Y/n came back. I hate her so much. Ugh" Said Jisoo.

" What would you do?" Asked Jennie curious.

" I don't know now, but i will make her leave this school for sure." Said Jisoo proud. She began to hate me from the moment she heard that i was dating Chae-Dae. She wanted him. She told him that i was cheating on him, but he didn't belive her. But one day he saw that bruise on my neck and belived what Jisoo told him. Got with her and bullied me. But he moved and she remained here. She got with Yeonjun and started to bully me again.

" Just be careful." Said Jennie.

" I will don't worry. Nobody will suspect me." She said with a smirk on her face. I heard the bathroom door so i though they left. But i was wrong. I got out of the stall and they looked at me. I could see the hate on Jisoo's face and the scared Jennie. Jennie is a good person but can't do anything because of Jisoo.

" Well look who we have here. Did you listen to our conversation?" She said coming towards me.

" Yeah. Got a problem with that? And don't be full on yourself. I can do whatever i want and i won't be expelled. So don't even try." I said looking coldly at her. I didn't step back.

" Are you sure about that?" She said smirking. I could see Jennie making 'no' signs at me to stop. I gave her a 'don't worry' look. She calmed down a little.

" Pretty sure." I said. I wanted her to hurt me before i did something so i could have proof. I wanted to make her very angry.

" I saw you with a boy. Don't you know you can't have friends?"

" Who said that? From what i know it's my life and i can do whatever i want. So take your ass out of my face before it gets bad."

" Someone got attitude, huh?" She said. The next thing i know she punched me in the stomach. Leaving a big ass bruise. Holding my stomach with my left hand i got my knife out with my right one and cut her hand. She started crying and screaming. I was in the bathroom for over 20 min. I heard the bathroom room opening and saw 7 guys. I was very dizzy from that punch and collapsed.

"Y/N!" was the last word i heard.

I openned my eyes and saw a white ceiling. I felt a hand on mine. I looked by my side and saw Yoongi. I tried to stand up but i failed because of the pain.

" Don't move you will make it worse. Stay still." Said Yoongi.

" What happened?"

" Jisoo punched you in the stomach."

" Ah yeah. I remember."

" Why did she punch you?"

" Eh. She wanted my ex, after we broke up she got with him and bullied me. He moved from here and she got with Yeonjun and started to bully me again. When she heard that i was dating Chae-Dae she started hating me."

" Ohh Y/n. You are a troublemaker."

" I know."

After some time the nurse gave me some pills and let me go. The principal called me in his office.

" So Hwang Y/n, tell me why did you get in a fight with Kim Jisoo?"


I hope you like this chapter. I'm trying to add more drama to the story. But i'm not that good with drama. Have a good day/night!

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