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( for Nano❤)

'I'm excited for the concert'


Today it's the big day. I got up and entered the bathroom, took a quick shower and dressed like this :

 I got up and entered the bathroom, took a quick shower and dressed like this :

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I hedded down stairs made two cups of coffe and waited for mom. When i sat down at the table i saw a note.

"Y/n i'm at work. Do good at school. Love, Your Mother"

'I made another cup of coffe for nothing?'
It was 7:20 so i finished my coffe and walked to school. When i got there it was 7:40 so i had 20 min left before the class started.
I walked to my locker and did my thing. But it got smashed shut and i was now with the back on the lockers.

" You expelled my girl!" Said- no, screamed Yeonjun.

"She did it herself. I told her not to mess with me but she did."

"You will pay!"

"Nee. I don't want to give you my worked money."

" Just wait and see." He smirked and walked away.

'He for sure is crazy'

I walked to my class and waited to start.

After the lesson i putted my books back and walked to the next lesson.
I sat down at the very back. I felt a hand on my sholder.

" You don't want to sit with me?" Asked Namjoon.

" Oh sorry i forgot." I got up and walked with him and sat down

After the lesson (sorry i'm lazy) i went to sit with the guys at lunch.

"Ready for today?" Asked Jimin.

"Very." We talked more and then headed to our classes.

*Time skip*

I walked to the back of the stage. There were many women running everywhere. Some with clothes in their hands, some with make up supplies.

"Oh you must be Y/n! Come." She grabed my hand and took me into a room with clothes.

"Here put this on, after you are done come back and someone will do your makeup"

I putted the clothes she gave me on.

Then i headed out

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Then i headed out. Another women grabbed me and did a light makeup.

It was already 11:40. 20 min left.

" Hey Y/n, a guy came and asked for you. He is outside." A women came randomly out of nowhere and told me.

' Who can it be?'

As soon i stepped out of the building a hand grabbed my wrist and dragged me behind the school. I didn't have the knife with me because i changed outfits so i was a little scared. After some moments the person stopped and pushed me and i hit the wall behind me. He trapped me between his arms. Yeonjun.

"What do you f*cking want?!"


" Seriosly? You are so childish."


He got something out of his pocket. A knife.

"You see it? I will destroy you."

" In your dreams" He smirked and got his hand down. Now with the knife at my left leg.

"Then my dream came true" After he said that he stabed my leg then run away.

'AISH It hurts so f*cking bad'

I didn't have time to think because i saw Jimin running towards me.

"Y/n there you are! Come we have 5 min left." He grabbed my wrist and took me inside. I didn't say anything about my leg because i didn't want the concert to stop just because of me.

The music started. The pain in my leg got worse. The blood wasn't visible because the jeans were black. I started dancing. The pain was unbearable. But i kept dancing. In the same time chairs, tables and stairs were moving around meaning that they weren't stable. I kept dancing no mather what. Yoongi would peek at me here and there because he saw that i wasn't alright.
At the end there are chairs on the tables and the boys need to sit on them. I quickly peeked behind me to make sure the chairs were stable. All of them were fine , except one of them. If someone is gonna is on it the chair would slip and drop. That chair was Yoongi's. They were about to sit on them. I quickly runned behing Yoongi's chair, got down and held his chair with my legs. The pain in my leg was now horrible.


I was dancing but kept looking at Y/n. She wasn't looking good. She looked in pain. Much pain. The choreography finished and we needed to sit on the chairs that were now on the tables. They are stable.... well they look stable. I sat on mine and i started looking around to find Y/n. But i didn't see her.

' Did she fall of the stage? No. It can't be possible. Did she ran away?'

But my questions were answered. I looked behind me and saw Y/n on the floor holding my chair with her legs. But her left leg is trembling.

'Is she ok?'

We got of the chairs and the others walked backstage. I took Y/n off the floor and helped her walk in the backstage. She was breathing heavily.

"Are you ok?"

"N-no. Call the ambulance."

" WHAT?"

" c-call the ambulance"

I helped her to sit down , got my phone out and called the ambulance.

"They said they would be here in 20 min."

" o-ok"

" What happened?" Asked Namjoon looking at Y/n.

" Y-yeonjun s-stabed my l-leg"

'That mutherf*cker will pay with his life'



"I-i l-love you" After that she fainted.


Uhuhuhuhu :] Hope you liked it. Have a great day/night!

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