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"I-i l-love you" After that she fainted.


I woke up in a bed. I looked around me and saw 6 boys.

"Hello there"i said looking at them. They were looking down but when i talked they looked up.

"Eomma you woke up!" Jungkook said coming to hug me.

" Where's Yoongi?" I said breaking the hug and looking at the guys.

" Looking for Yeonjun." Said Hobi.

"Why? Wait, what happened?"

"You don't remember?" Asked Jimin.

"She doesn't remember because of the blood loss." Said Namjoon.

"Big brain. Now tell me what happened." And Namjoon told me what happened.

"Sorry Y/n for not noticing that you were hurt when i saw you" said Jimin.

"It's ok. All i remember is sitting on a chair and telling Yoongi that i l- WAIT I TOLD YOONGI THAT I LOVE HIM!" I screamed standing up.

" Wait what?" Asked Jin.

"UWU EOMMA HAS A CRUSH!" Screamed Jungkook.



'Sorry Y/n but i need to look after him. I can't let him go like this. I won't let him hurt my love.'

I started looking for Yeonjun. After 30 min of searching i found him. I got behing him, grabbed his wrist and dragged him in my house. I locked the doors and trowed him on the ground.

"Listen here. If you ever dare to touch or hurt Y/n in any way, you won't see the light."

" And what are you going to go? Call mommy?" He said laughing. I got my phone out and called the police.

"Hello. I will like to report an attempted murder.Yes. Xxxx street. Yes. No. Come fast. Yes, i have him. Bye"


"You heard right. And i'm telling you this again don't touch or hurt my love. Understood?" He nodded. After 10 min the cops came. But i needed to make another call.


I was talking with the boys when the door bursted up open. I saw mom with tears in her eyes coming to my bed and hugging me.

"Are you ok, sweetheart? Who did this to you?"

" I'm ok mom. It doesn't matter who did it now. But how did you know i was here?"

"Yoongi called me and told me everything."

After some time i saw the door opening again. Yoongi. I got embarrassed because of what i told him.

"Are you ok now Y/n?"

"Y-yeah" i said looking down. I'm not the type to blush so it wasn't visible that i was embarrassed.

After some time a male entered the room.

" Hello Y/n. I'm Doctor Kim. How are you feeling?" Asked the doctor with a book and pen in his hands.

"I'm ok. I just feel a little pain in my leg."

" The pain will disappear in 2-3 days. Tomorrow you are free to leave. " Said the doctor writing something in his book and leaving.
My mother's phone started ringing. She left the room to take the call. After some minutes she came back.

"Y/n i'm so sorry but i need to leave. I will come tomorrow to take you home ok sweety?" She said giving me a kiss on the forehead.

" Miss Martha, no need to come. I will take her home" Said Yoongi.

"Ok honey. Take good care of my daughter. Love you all sweethearts. Bye!" She said leaving.

" Your mother seriously changed" said Yoongi.

"I know. It's strange for me too."

"Yoongi? Do you know what happened to Yeonjun?" I continued.

"He is with the police. We will not see him from now on."

" I'm glad." I relaxed.

We talked for a bit more before seeing the door opening. It was Jennie.

" Y/N!!!!" She screamed in tears. Before she could come to my bed Jungkook stopped her.

" You can't be around eomma." Said Jungkook holding her shoulders.

" Jungkook it's fine. She isn't like Jisoo. We are friends."

" Ok ,sorry Jennie!" He said letting go of her shoulders. She came to me and hugged me.

" Why did you c-continue to dance even though you were hurt!" She said crying not breaking the hug.

" I didn't want it to stop just because of me." I said breaking the hug.

" Now stop crying and go sit with Jungkook." She smiled and sat next to Jungkook. He tried to make her stop crying by hugging her.


I woke up. My head hurt a little. I felt something on my leg. When i looked i saw Yoongi with his head on my right leg sleeping. I saw his hand beside me. I took his hand and holded it.

"Uhhh Yoongi. I promised myself to never love someone else. But i broke the promise because of you. Because i love you." I whispered to myself.

"Is that so?" He said lifting his head up.

"What? I didn't say anything" i said looking out the window.

" I'm pretty sure i heard you say that you love me. And why are you holding my hand?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

"Just shut up." I said looking at the window.

"Love you too." He said placing his head on my leg.

" W-what?" I said now looking at him.

" I said i love you too." I stopped breathing.


Sorry guys but i will not post for some days. Have a great day/night!

The forest (Yoongi x Reader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now