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" So Hwang Y/n, tell me why did you get in a fight with Kim Jisoo?"


" She started it. All i did was protect myself" I said still holding my stomach with my left hand.

" Tell me what happened." She said waiting for me to respond.

" I was in the bathroom stall. She entered and started talking about me and saying she will do something to me so she could expell me. I got out of the stall thinking she left. But she was there. She started walking towards me. Told me that i can't have friends. Then she punched me in the stomach. So to protect myself i cut her arm. I collapsed and that's all i remember." I said.

" Could you please show me your stomach?"

" Sure." I said standing up. I lifted my hoodie and showed her the big bruise. Her eyes widened.

" That is pretty bad. Do you want to go home?"

" No. I'm fine"

" Ok. You are free to leave." I walked toward the door but before opening it i wanted to tell her something.

"Oh! Jennie was there too. She didn't do anything, but you can question her aswell if you don't know who to belive. Bye" And with that i walked out the door. But before i could walk more i felt someone grab my wrist. When i looked behind me i saw Namjoon.

' Was he waiting for me?'

" Are you ok?"

" Yeah. I'm fine. Did you wait for me?"

" I wanted to ask you something."

" Go ahead" i said starting to walk to my locker. He followed me.

" How did you know that something might happen to you?"

" Well it happens everytime. Sorry i couldn't come to lunch."

" No. Don't be sorry. I should be sorry that i didn't came in time."

" It's fine."

*Time skip*

I got home. As i walked inside i felt two hands around me.

" Mom?"

" Omg honey what happened? Are you ok?" She asked breaking the hug and looking at my body.

" Yeah i'm ok. Don't need to worry."

" Come sit down and tell me what happened"

After i told her everything.

" Omg i'm gonna go to school now!"

" No mom. Leave her. She is not worth it."

" Let me treat that bruise" She walked upstairs and i followed her. She told me to sit down on my bed. And i did. She put some cream on the bruise and bandaged me.

" Thank you"

" Honey you don't need to go to school tomorrow."

" No, mom. I'm fine. I can go"

" No Y/n. You need rest. Maybe you can invite that friend."

" Yeah sur- What friend?"

" Yoongi? Yeah ,Yoongi. He is a good guy"

" I will see."

" Ok honey i'm going to work ok? It's 11:30. Love you. BYYE!" And with that she left for work. I wanted to go down stairs an make coffe but my phone ringed. An unknown number.

On the phone:


"Hiii eomma! How are you feeling?"

"Who is this?"

"Oh sorry, you don't have my number. I'm Jungkook. I asked Yoongi to give me your number."

"Oh hi Jungkook. I'm fine. Tomorrow i can't come to school. I need rest."

"Ohh. We will come to visit you since Yoongi knows were you live. So expect us tomorrow!"

" Sure. Now i need to go. Bye"

"Bye eomma. Be careful!"

He sees me as his sister. And i'm older then him.

' I hope my life will get better'


Yaaaa. Another chapter. Sorry for grammar mistakes. Have a great day/night!

The forest (Yoongi x Reader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now