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We got to the coffe shop. The boys got food and i got black coffe. We sat down at a table that was at the window. The boys started eating.

"Why didn't you get food? Aren't you hungry?" Said Jimin looking at me worried.

"I ate before metting with you guys. So i'm not hungry." I lied. Yeah i ate a sandwich but i was very small. I don't eat that much.

" Oh ok. Enjoy your coffe then." Said Jimin starting to eat again.

After some minutes the boys finished eating and i finished my coffe. I told the boys i needed to go home. After leaving them i went to my boss to talk to him.

" Hey boss. I need to talk to you." I said looking at him. He stopped cleaning and came to me.

" Ok let's sit down. And i told you to stop calling me boss. You can call me Jack." He said sitting down at a table. I followed him and sat down.

"Sorry....So..Jack... Do you know a place were i can work? I want to work more." I said looking at him. His expression changed from happy to worried.

" Are you not happy working here? Yeah.. i know a place."He said looking the whole time worried.

" I'm very happy working here. I just want a part-time job. I will not stop working here. Hope you understand."

" Oh ok. I understand you. You can work at a coffe shop. It pays very good. The schedule is very good. Just 2 hours a day. If you want i can talk to the manager." He said with a happy expression on his face.

"Thank you very much. And yeah. I will like you to talk with the manager and tell me when i can start." I said happy.

"Ok i wil text you about it. Have a great day!" He said sitting up and going back to work.

" Oh wait! I have someone that will like to work here!" I said almost screaming. He turned around and looked at me with the happiest look on his face.

" OMG ARE YOU SERIOUS?! WHEN CAN I MEET HIM?!" He said running back to me hugging me.

" I will talk to him and then text you. When can he start?" I said trying to get out of the hug.

" Tomorrow is perfect! Thank you very much Y/n!" He said letting go of me and going back to work dancing. Hoseok told me that he would love to work here too since he loves animals.
I got out of there and started to walk home. It was 7 pm. I buyed beer and heeded home.

" Where were you?"said mom on a angry tone. She looked at me and her eyes widened.

" You bough me beer?!?! Give meee!" She said happily. I gave her the beer and then walked to my room. I changed and then texted Hoseok.

Y/n: Hey i talked to my boss and he told me you can start tomorrow. Is that ok?

After 5 min he responded.

Hoseok: That is great. Thank you again. At what hour?

Y/n: 12 pm.

Hoseok: Ok thank you again. See you tomorrow!

Y/n: Bye.

I got off my phone. I taked a nap. After 4 hours i woke up. It was 11 pm. I wanted to take a walk so i wore this:

 I wanted to take a walk so i wore this:

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It was cold outside. I took my phone, headphones and headed outside. It was very dark.
I was walking for some minutes until i bumped into someone. I looked up and saw an angry man staring me down.

"Well well well. Look what we have here. What is doing a beautiful girl like you at this hour out? " he said smiking. I taked a few steps back. He started walking towars me.

" Stop."i said holding on my knife that was in my pocket. I never go out without it.

" Why would i? I have all the power." he said laughing. I saw still steping back. I use my knife just when i need to. If he would not live me alone i will use it for sure. I was looking at him with a death stare.

" You're rough aren't you little one? Come i will help you babygirl." He said approaching me. At that point i wasn't backing away. I was standing there looking at him with cold eyes. He then put his hand on my face.

"You are very beautiful. Would you like to come with me to have some fun?" He said licking his lips.

" Sure. But why not have fun here?" I said with the biggest smile on my face.

" Here? Well we will have so much fun!" He said getting even more closer.

"Oh trust me. I will have more fun than you." I said smirking.

" Is that so? What do you have in mind babygirl?" He said smiling.

" This" i got my knife out and cut his arm. He tried to punch me but i cut his cheek. Then i punched him in the face and hit him in the nuts. He was laying down.

" I haved so much fun. But i have to go. Remember. I defended myself. You will go to jail not me. Bye. Have fun with the cuts." Before walking off he grabed my leg.

" Y-you a-re not g-going aw-away this easy!" He said holding on my leg with one hand. I bended down and cut that hand aswell.

" I said it's done. If you want more cuts continue. Now bye." I walked off. I could hear him wining from the pain. The whole time i saw a figure from the corner of my eye. But i didn't care. I got home , cleaned my knife and got in bed.


I was taking a walk like always. I then heared voices. When i looked at the owners of the voises i froze. It was Y/n with a dude. Who was he?

"Well well well. Look what we have here. What is doing a beautiful girl like you at this hour out?" Said the dude walking towars Y/n. I wanted to go and beat him up. But i wanted to see if Y/n can handle him.

"Stop." Oh god. Should i go and stop this?

" Why would i? I have all the power." Yeah sure. I saw that Y/n was holding something in her pocket. After some more talk i see him put his hand on Y/n face. Uuuhhhhh i want to beat him now so bad. I saw that Y/n got something out of her pocket. She cut him. He tried to puch her but she cut him and hit him and punched him a couple of times. She then tired to walk off but the dude grabed her leg. This dude can't learn his leason? She then cut him. She walked off. She sure is rough. I have to tell the guys. And then i walked off.
After i told the guys they here amazed.

"Ok note for me to never touch Y/n!" Said Jimin. The boys started laughing.

" Well good that you were there. If she coundn't defend herself , you could've help her. Yoongi" said Namjoon.


Hope you like this story. Nobody still isn't reading my story.

The forest (Yoongi x Reader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now