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( the photo from above is for Nano❤)

" Sure honey" And with that i walked upstairs.


I was looking on my phone when Yoongi texted me.

Hey Y/n?


Do you like dancing?

Yeah, why?

Well me and the boys made a song named Dionysus and we are going to do a mini concert at school. Do you want to be a back-up dancer?


How fast do you learn a choreography?

In 2-3 hours.

Do you want to start practising tomorrow? With me and the boys?

Sure. After school come to my house. We will practise here.

Ok. Talk with you tomorow. Bye.

After that my mom called me downstairs.

"Yeah mom."

"Dinner is ready!"
I sat down at the table and started eating.


" Yes honey?"

" Can Yoongi and his brothers come tomorrow? We need to practise a choreography."

"Sure. How many brothers does he have?"


" Oh god. A big family."

" I know."
After dinner i got in my bed and when i was about to fall asleep mom came in my room.

" Y/n i need to change your bandage."
I got up so she could change it. When she took of the bandage i saw that the bruise was better. But it was still there and visible.

" Aaaannd done. You can sleep now honey. Goodnight!"

" Night."
I got in bed and fell asleep fast.


' Ughhh i hate mornings'
I got up and made coffe. After some minutes mom came downstairs.

" You made coffe again? You know i should do it right?"

" If you don't wake up early what can i do? Coffe."

" Sure honey."
It was 10:30. The boys will come in one hour.

' I need to clean the practise room'
I got up from the table after finishing my coffe. My mom left for work.
When i got in the practise room i remembered when i was a child and was dancing in the centre.

'Good memories'

I started cleaning. After 30 min or so i finished.
I heard the door ring.

' It's 11pm. Did they run here? I make 20 min from school. They really want to practise.'

I openned the door and saw 7 sweaty guys.

" Did you guys run here?"

" Maybeeee" said Taehyung.

" Come inside." I said getting out of the way so they could enter.

" You have a beautiful house Eomma" said Jungkook looking around.

" Do you want coffe? Water?"

"Wateer!" They said all together. I laughed.


Idk what to say so have a good day/night!

The forest (Yoongi x Reader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now