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"Yeah, what do you want me to start with?" I said looking at them.

"Hmm.....your mom? Why does she drink?" Said Yoongi.

" Well....it's a long story.." i said.

" We are listening." Said Namjoon.

" When i was little she wasn't drinking, she was the happiest person alive. One day my dad decided to go to the store to buy me a toy for my birthday that i really wanted. But ended up in a car accident. He died right on the spot. Mom started drinking and blaming me that dad died. That all of that was my fault. Because i wanted that toy very bad. She doesn't work and wants me to buy her beer everyday. She somehow haves money sometimes. If i don't buy her beer, she will end up beating me." I said looking at the nature around me.

" I'm so sor-" i cut Jin off.

" It's ok. It's not like it's your fault. But sometimes i wander if it was really my fault. If dad died because of me. At the time i was 5 years old. I didn't know what has happening." The boys were looking at me like i was crazy.

" What? Why are you guys looking at me like that?" I said looking confused at them.

" I...uhh... i'm sorry for interrupting your story. It's totally not fault....but... you have a bug on your shoulder." Said Jungkook. I looked at my shoulder and got the bug in my hand looking at it. I wasn't disgusted. I like animals. Even bugs. The boys were looking at me confused.

" Why-What-Wait... Aren't you scared of it?" Said Jimin. I looked at him with a amused look.

" No, i like animals. Even bugs."

" Well that explains the hairs of dogs and cats that are on your shirt." Said Namjoon.

" Ah! I work at a animal shelter. I was there before coming here." I said still looking at that bug. It was black but with some blue stripes. And her legs were an dark blu-

" So, what about your ex?" Said Yoongi looking at me.

" Oh! Yeah! That jerk. Well, when i started high school , i met him, Chae-Dae, the devil of my life. He came to me and asked me if i wanted to go out with him, and because i was blind i said yes. Blah blah blah. We got together. After that people started talking bad about me. Day after day everything got worst. One day my mom choked me and left a mark and i don't wear makeup so i didn't have anything to cover it up. He saw it and thought i was cheating on him. Everything went bad. He started beating me up. I was scared to break up with him because i was afraid he would do something. But then he broke up with me because i wasn't 'pretty' anymore because of bruises. I hated my life and wanted to kill myself. But something hold me back. I don't know what. Eh... the end of the story... boring right? Heh." I said all of this while looking at them. They stayed silent the whole time.

" That explains everything, but what do you think hold you back from killing yourself? Cause i'm glad you didn't do it. If you done it i wouldn't have a new friend now!" Said Hoseok.

" I think... my dad. He always told me that killing yourself is not the solution. Even if i was little he wanted me to know this from an early age."

" Cool! I would wan- AHHH!" Said Taehyung but couldn't finish because Jin puched his arm to shut up. I chuckled a little.

" Y/n, can i see those cuts? I want to heal them." Said Jin standing up to come closer to me since we were standing on the green grass.

"Sure." I said taking off the mask.

" Uff, they are deep. Here let me take care of them. It will sting a little." He said putting something on the cuts. It was hurting a little but i didn't react.

"Annnnddd Done! They should heal pretty soon."  Said Jin going back to his spot.

" Thanks" i said.

"Ok now that we know everything about you should we go somewhere? I'm hungry." Said Jungkook. We then headed to a coffe shop.

(I didn't know what to put there so yeah.)

The forest (Yoongi x Reader) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now