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Liv didn't realize how much she had missed Charming until she had popped a piece of the famous fruit loop cotton candy in her mouth. Nothing can beat Charming's annual carnival filled with sweets and screaming toddlers. She had just entered the town of Charming from university when she noticed the big Ferris wheel in the middle of the biggest park the town had. Liv knew she had to stop by and get herself a big blob of cotton candy before she went on to face her older brother.

She continued to stroll around the area, purse on her shoulder when she noticed the band of bikers on one of the kiddie rides. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up. Liv met eyes with the very own person she swore to herself she would avoid...ignore even if she ever stepped foot in Charming again. Scared the blue eyed biker might have seen her she quickly turned on her heel only to run into Ryan Hale. Officer David Hale's younger brother who Liv happened to date in the beginning of high school for about two years.
        "I'm so sorry, miss..." Ryan kneeled down to retrieve the sunglasses that had fallen off her head.
"Olivia?" Ryan had now realized he was handing those sunglasses back to his high school sweetheart. She gave him a small smile, "Ryan, it's really nice to see you." Liv placed the sunglasses back on her head. 

   Unsure whether to give her a hug, Ryan went in for a high five. She chuckled and high fived him back.
"How long has it...?" Ryan started but Liv smiled again and said "Six years."
            Ryan was always very sweet to her. Liv had ended things by her choosing due to not really picturing a future with Ryan. He had helped her through her parents death.
They chatted a few more minutes and planned a day to catch up. They then went their separate ways.

           "I see you still got a thing for chirpy choir boys" Liv recognized the voice and instantly knew it belonged to the biker matriarch. She turned around with the same smile she greeted Ryan with and said "And I see you still got a thing for sneaking up on people" Both Liv and Gemma smirked. Gemma pulled Liv in for a hug, "Welcome home, baby."
Liv held onto to her for a little while and then decided to let go, "I'm happy to be home, Gem." Liv held onto her hand.
            Gemma had become like a second mom to her and her brother after their parents had died. She had been close friends with Liv's mother. Gemma would stop by to check on the two occasionally and welcomed them to their family dinners with open arms.
         "I'm Surprised to not see Clay wrapped around you like a belt" Liv spoke up.
"Had to go handle club business just now" She crossed her arms looking for any reaction Liv could spare.
"Well, I got to go Gem, Jacob should be getting home now." Liv said inching away slowly. "Olivia, come to the family dinner tomorrow. I'm sure the boys would be thrilled to see you." Gemma smiled knowing only one boy, her boy would have his heart shit it's pants. "I'll see, Gem!" Liv told Gemma knowing damn well she wouldn't go. Liv went back to kiss her cheek before taking off to the exit gate without a final glance back.

        Something had stopped Liv in her tracks. She was just reaching the parking lot when she heard a soft moan. She looked towards her left and saw Tristen Oswald on the floor, bruised up and half naked.
      "Oh my god, Tristen!" Liv yelled and ran towards the young girl she used to babysit. She immediately called her father Elliot who then called 911. Liv held onto the girl's hand as they wheeled her off on a stretcher. Her parents both in hysterics. She was lost in the crowd tears filling her eyes when she saw his blue eyes again. Liv got herself together and raced to her car before she can see anyone else. She cursed whoever did this to Tristen and took off  home.

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