Coming Apart

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Liv was greeted by Keanu the moment she stepped into their house. Jax still hadn't spoken two words to her yet. She was worried that he was angry with her for not telling her sooner or maybe angry that his plans of going nomad have now changed. She slipped away to their bedroom, leaving Jax alone. It wasn't until she finally mustered up the courage to go confront him when she caught him sowing his V. President patch back onto his kutte. She leaned against the wall now forgetting everything she had planned to say to him.

He stood up noticing her there. Jax picked her up for a hug. Liv a little thrown off, wrapped her arms and legs around him.

"I should have never suggested leaving. I will kill each and everyone of them for the pain they've caused you. You won't have to feel anxious anymore." He whispered into her ear.

Liv wrapped around him tighter and began to apologize for not saying anything sooner.

"My mother asked you to keep this for her. Don't be sorry."

"I can't help but wonder...your dad's manuscript...would that be his solution...more violence?" Liv looked him in the eyes.

"If Gemma had gotten raped on John's watch, he'd have written a whole different book." Jax said sternly. "I will always do the same for you."

"You've done more for me."

Liv then quickly jumped at the sound of a knock on the door. Jax quickly hid her behind the wall and grabbed his gun. He opened the door slowly to find Clay and Jacob waiting to be let in.

Jax nodded "Follow me."

He gave one last parting look to Liv before he led Clay to Abel's empty room.

Jacob stayed with Liv in the kitchen. They both sat at the table. Both of them were quiet. She looked at Jacob who seemed to be in a battle in his head.

"I wanted to tell you..." She squeezed his hands. "We felt that it would only hurt you all if we said anything sooner. Gemma, I'm sure, thought this was the only way to keep Jax from leaving."

Jacob nodded along to her words understandingly.

"This isn't your fault, Jake." She squeezed tighter "No one's fault."

"I'll be back." Jacob got up and went to Abel's nursery, ignoring her last few words.

"Charges pending. Feds in town. This retaliation needs to be smart." Clay began saying as Jacob stepped in. Clay looked at Jax. "I can't do it without you."

"I'm not going anywhere."

"How do you want to handle it?" Jacob then asked.

"We kill 'em all." Jax looked at them with a clenched jaw. His eyes now dark and evil.

The next morning, Liv sat at the dining table of her house. Her hands around her cup of tea, trying to warm them. Jax left early that morning to explain all that's happened to the others but not before whispering kind things into her ear and kissing her awake. She had a restless night, anyway. Jax just seemed to write in his journal not getting much shut eye either.

"Hey," Jacob knocked the door open "Jax gave me a key."

Liv startled, waved him in and got him a cup of tea. He sat down and thanked her. Jax must have wanted him to keep her company while he and Clay told the rest of the members about the incident.

Jacob seemed nervous and Liv quickly became aware that there was something wrong.

Jacob took his kutte off and let it hang over the chair. She stared with her head tilted like a puppy trying to understand what was happening in front of her eyes.

Jacob then took out a wad of cash from his pocket and slid it over to her. Liv's eyes widened as he grabbed her hands and put it over the money.

She had never seen him this serious before. She looked into his eyes and all she saw was regret.

"Olivia, get out of here. Take the kid. I will send you all the money you need." He said desperately. She took her hands off and ran her hands through her hair. She stood not believing what was coming out of his mouth.

"Are you insane?" She grimaced "And leave Jax!? Leave Abel without a dad!? Leave you!?"

"You're going to be killed here!" He stood.

Liv sighed. She could understand his fear.

"I'm not leaving you guys. I-I'm not going to snatch Abel away from his father." Her voice broke.

"Abel is going to end up an orphan if you stay here. His parents ours." Jacob hisses.

"What?" Liv's eyes now filled with water.

Jacob now, as if the realization of what he said just socked him in the face.

"I didn't mean that..." He says quietly.

"That fucking manuscript..."

Jacob sat back down frustrated "What?"

"You read it...the one J.T. left for dad. I found it at the dorm."

Jacob huffed and leaned in "J.T....he knew something was wrong with that bike but he rode it anyway."

"That's what his note was about..." Liv looked at her shaking hands "You think our parents knew?"

"I think they tried to look into who messed up his bike." Jacob admitted causing Liv to feel cloudy knowing there was only one other person J.T. let take care of his bike. And that person was no where to be found.

It was there that she fainted, landing on the kitchen floor.

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