Family Dinner

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Liv walked out the hospital to find Jax sitting on a bench. He quickly rose up.

     "One of the damn carnival guys did it...fat guy, the clown." Liv shook her head in disgust.

       Jax grabbed her head "Thanks, Liv." He kissed the side of her head and whistled towards his boys. Liv noticed Jacob with a smile on his face on the far side with Clay watching Jax and her.

       "Well, I'd be damned! It's Livvy!" Chibs yelled with his Scottish accent. She waved them all off as they made their way to find the asshole. Jax gave her one last wink as he put his knife into David Hale's tire.

      "Aw, shit." David Hale quickly came running out finally getting the information he needed but then noticed his tires were flat. He was the next to take the chief of police position until it was announced Unser would stay in command for another six months. He turned to see Liv, arms crossed trying to not let a giggle out.

     "Ryan had told me you were back in town." David walked up to her. "You're the new principal at Charming elementary.." He said.

      "Good to see you, deputy Hale." She took in his new get up. A few officers then came out which Hale then directed quickly towards the park where the carnival was held.

       "Didn't expect you to come back to this small town.." He steps towards her.

       "What can I say? I'm unpredictable." She turned on her heel, a smile on her face, with the intention of going back to Tristen's room.

      "What I can say is that I'm not surprised you went running back to Teller." Hale then said with a look of regret on his face.

Liv stopped herself. She never let people anger her. She took in a deep breath and put a smile back on her face. Liv turned to look at him "Oh deputy, you don't know the first thing about me." She flicked his badge, "You go prancin' around with that joke of a cop car thinking you know a thing or two..." she gestured at his green yellow Jeep.

   "I know enough." He spat, "I know you barely even liked my little brother and I know you had somethin' to do with telling the sons about Tristen's predator. I don't know why I thought you wouldn't claim back that crown of yours."

   "I'm not claiming back anything. I can't know everyone's secrets. I just got here yesterday, deputy." Liv was ready to go upstairs now. "And as for my crown...shove it up your ass."

She had mumbled the last part.

Liv said her goodbyes to Tristen and her mother Karen. Elliot had gone out. Liv was on her way home when she received a call from Jacob.

    "Hey, Olive oil. Heard you gave the club some intel?"

    "You heard right, Jake." She said.

    "What happened to all that shit you were telling me yesterday?"

     "Changed my mind."

     "Come over to Gemma's, Liv. Everybody hasn't stopped talking about you.." He urged her.

Liv wasn't sure whether or not she should go. Her brother was balls deep in the club now. It wouldn't do her any good fighting him about it. And most of all, she missed Jax.

She found herself on the front steps of Gemma's house. She opened the door quietly and noticed everybody sitting around the dinner table laughing. She inched her towards them and found herself sitting on Jax's lap.

Everyone jumped out of their seats to greet her. Chibs gave her a big kiss on cheek, as did Bobby and Tig. She walked over to Piney and kissed him on the head knowing he'd tire out quickly if he went to her. Clay kissed her hand. She gave her final hug to Gemma who whispered, "Glad you came, baby" into her ear. Liv made her way back to Jax's lap. Gemma smiled at the image, she thought how funny it was that Jax looked at her as if the sun shined out of Liv's ass. Gemma felt that worry in the back though, that Liv would leave Jax a mess like last time.

Jax thanked her again for helping the club.

     "Hey, where's Ope?" She whispered.

     "Hasn't stopped by since he's been out of Chino. Donna's been keeping a leash on him." He said to her. Liv sighed. She made a mental note to visit them sometime this week. Liv joined in the conversations and stuffed her face with mashed potatoes.

   "So, Liv where you workin'?" Luann spoke up. She was an Old lady and Gemma's best friend.

   "Over at Charming elementary school. I'm the new principal." She smiled proudly.

    "That's great, sweetie. If you ever need a job come lookin' for me! We could always use those perky tits and ass of yours over at the studio!" Luann was a porn director.

Jax found what Luann said amusing and nudged Liv. "I'm gonna need to restock on lotion." Jax teased. Liv scrunched up her face "I think I'm going to have to pass that offer up, Luann."

The night continued with ongoing laughter and praises for Gemma's cooking. Jax patted her thighs letting her know he needed to use the restroom. Liv knew coming back and acting like nothing ever happened between them was not right. She also knew Gemma was probably going through it in her head. She was not looking forward to that conversation...

Liv sat at the table talking with Clay when Gemma asked her to help her with the dishes. She grabbed as many plates as she could and put them in the sink.

"So, what's your goal here, Olivia?" Gemma asked hand on her hip.

"I'm guessing you don't mean my life goals regarding my career and so on..." Liv also put her hand on her hip matching Gemma.

"I mean Jax, doll face." Gemma began to wash the dishes. Liv helped dry them.

"I know what I did...leaving. The effect it had on him. I was hurt too, Gem." Liv replied.

"What are you going to do?"

"I need a little more time. Coming back here got familiar way too quick. I need to adjust."

Liv sensed an eye roll from Gemma "We both know you love Jax. And that Jax loves you. The whole god damn town knows it..." Gemma sighed, "Don't let LA cloud that teacher brain of yours."

Liv was the one rolling her eyes now. They parted ways. Liv made her way to the living room to get her bag and then make her way out of the Teller-Morrow residence. Jax noticed her uneasiness and insisted he go with her. She brushed him off and said bye to the others.

Driving her way back home she noticed the prospect following her. Jax must have sent him to make sure she got home okay she thought. Liv then wondered if Jacob would be coming home tonight but realized he probably wouldn't.

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