Through the Grapevine

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"You cleaning out the garage?" Liv asked Jax as she stepped out in one of his SAMCRO tees.
Another few weeks had gone by. A dreadful few weeks. Liv and Jax were as distant as ever. He had not mentioned the conversation he had with Clay with anyone. Jax was still moving lightly with the situation but the tension had not disappeared. He didn't want Liv to catch wind of that.
"Yeah, haven't had a chance to look through it all since we moved."
"Time to get rid of those dirty porn mags." Liv teased him.
"With the amount I've been getting lately, I think I'm gonna keep 'em." Jax joked but this clearly hurt Liv.
She grabbed her cup of tea and went straight back into their room. Jax sighed not meaning it the way it came out.
"What? You gonna walk away too?" He questioned Keanu who was laying by the dining table. Keanu barked and followed after Liv.
At that moment, Gemma came walking in. She greeted Jax and then took a seat.
"What are you doing?" Jax' mother asked him.
"Cleaning out the garage," Jax leaned on the box he placed on the table "I'm missing a box. You seen it when you were here cleaning for the baby shower?"
"Threw one out. Had a serious stink to it. Just a bunch of old t-shirts and funky underwear. Why? What are you looking for?" Gemma waited for his response knowing damn well what he'd been looking for.
"An old Harley manual. Hard to find." He stared at her.
Liv stepped back in during the stare off. She washed her mug ignoring whatever was going on. She was feeling a little more moody lately. Jax wrapped his arms around her. She tensed at his touch but had to keep it together.
"I'm sorry," he whispered in her ear "it's not how I meant it."
Before she could say anything back, Chibs and Jacob entered.
"Goodmorning, children" Chibs clapped.
"Hello" Liv gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. Gemma did the same.
"I thought the Prospect was with you?" Jax looked up at him.
"The wee man goes under the knife today." Chibs answered.
"He's gettin' his sack filled." Jacob stated.
"Excuse me?" Gemma looked a bit disgusted.
"He's completing himself." Chibs chimed in again.
"Good for him." Liv chuckled a little. "We should throw him a party or something!"
"Not a chance." Jax shot at her.
"You're all no fun!" Liv pouted a little. Her emotions were everywhere this morning.
   "We're supposed to meet Clay at the shop." Jacob told Jax.
    "I'm ready." Jax grabbed his kutte and bid the two ladies farewell.

   Gemma and Liv sat looking across at each other.

   "Still sore?" Liv asked worriedly.

    "Now it's getting worse." Gemma shifted uncomfortably. Liv had never seen her this way. She was still strong, still putting up a front but she looked vulnerable...just a little.

   "You dry?"

   "Like the Mojave vagina." Gemma scoffed.

   "It's the stress. Your body isn't producing enough estrogen." Liv grabbed her phone "I'll sask Ryan to write you a prescription."

The rest of the day went on. The two decided to go grocery shopping at the plaza to stock up on baby formula. The baby would be coming out soon. Liv was both scared shitless and excited.

"Gemma, what do you think of this baby crib? I know we already have one but this one is easier to maneuver and push around with the wheels..." Liv turns to see what Gemma thinks but she is no longer at her side. Gemma catches sight of something and begins to walk out the door.
"Gem?" She follows her out the store. Gemma seems to be stuck in a trance because by the time Liv is right behind her, Gemma has elbowed her nose.
"Oh, shit! Sorry.." She hands her a napkin from her purse. Liv is holding her head up to support the bleeding.
"Jesus, Gemma! What did you see?" Liv groans in pain and annoyance.
Gemma looks around and leads Liv to the car "The blonde bitch from that night."
"What? You thought you could jump her?" Liv says with a sarcastic tone, still annoyed at this new injury "I talked to Ryan for you by the way. He's going to set up an appointment for you to see a therapist."

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