Holding Regret

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       As soon as Liv pulled in the driveway she saw her older brother swing the door open. She dove into his arms, "I missed you, Olive oil." Liv rolled her eyes at the nickname her brother gave her long ago. She then heard a bark and kneeled down to find her old bulldog Keaanu. "How are you, boy?" She asked petting him and then placing a small kiss on his head. He barked at her in happiness.
       "Come on, Olive. I made dinner." Jacob put his arm over her shoulders and led her to the dinner table. Her house had not changed one bit. She wondered if Jacob only came here to sleep or just spent his time at the club house. Jacob was close friends with the Sons of Anarchy. Liv also wondered if he stayed there most of the time. He had brown hair, it was much darker than her own. He could definitely pass as a biker. Jacob had been offered a kutte a couple of times and even didn't need to do the year of prospecting but they both knew the risks all too well.
          "How's work goin' Jake?" She asked. He shifted uncomfortably. "About that.." Jacob stood up and grabbed something from under the sink. He put the leather on. Jacob quickly searched for her expression. Olivia was livid, "Are you shitting me Jake? Putting it under the damn sink? Thinking I wouldn't find out!" She stood up. Jacob ran his hands through his hair. This instantly reminded her of the blue eyed blonde she had so much history with. "You would have found out anyway, Olivia. I wanted to be the one to tell you. You're as crazy as Gemma when it comes to finding out secrets." Jacob's words irked her. "Don't compare me to her, Jake. You know damn well what could happen to you. All the shit you'll get caught up in!" Liv knew she was overreacting. It used to be her life too. She loved it. She loved being the Sons of Anarchy very own princess who swore might have ended up with their own prince. Jacob just sighed and leaned against the kitchen sink "The money's good, Liv. Didn't make enough as a paramedic."
Liv didn't know what to say or even think. She wanted badly to bring up what her parents would think but she knew that was a low blow. Her father had been close friends with J.T. Gemma's old man who passed in a motorcycle accident. Liv remembered her father feeling fishy about it but she never questioned him nor did Jacob. Her parents tried steering them away from the club life but when they passed away it was as if they were adopted into it. Olivia was fourteen and Jacob was eighteen so he was able to keep an eye out for her. The next four years he, as well as the club raised her. She did her best to look out for Jacob too. They took care of each other. She felt now he needed her protection now more than ever but Liv knew he wouldn't back out of his club. All Olivia could do now was support him and watch out for him in the sidelines.
"How long now?" She looked up at him.
"About a year after you left." He said.
"Jesus Christ..." Liv didn't know what to say again. She began to blame herself for going away.
"It's not your fault, Olive. I know what you're thinking. It was my choice. Something that's been itching at me for years. Jax even tried talking me out knowing you wouldn't be a fan of it." Jacob knew her too well and so did Jax. The mention of his name made her turn red. Jacob chuckled at the sight of it. She glared at him which only caused him to raise his arms in defense not wanting to get chewed out even more.
"Ran into Gemma over at the carnival. Said the rest of the boys had club business. Why didn't you go with them?" Liv asked.
"Let Clay know an hour before you were coming along from the great Los Angeles. Insisted I stayed here to welcome your very sweet personality!" Jacob said this with all the sarcasm in the world which only caused her to throw a bread roll at him. Liv was a sweet girl she just became fierce when it came to those she loved.
"You didn't go on telling everyone did you?" She looked at him.
"Nah, just Clay. And knowing Clay he wouldn't tell Gemma or Jax for reasons being...but if you went to the carnival today there was no way of avoiding them there."
"Practically had eye sex with Jax" Liv stated matter of factly blowing a piece of her hair from her face earning a look of disgust from Jacob.

They dropped the conversation. Liv headed to bed while Jacob went to the clubhouse. She had to get ready for her first day as principal at Charming elementary the next day. Liv thought about Tristen already knowing that the club "business" had to do with her. Liv was sure Oswald contacted the Sons to find the son of a bitch who assaulted his daughter.

      Liv hoped she wouldn't regret coming back to Charming.

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