Chapter 1: Gwen's POV

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Anyone who dreams of being a Princess is deranged. I guess that from the outside the pretty pearls, extravagant dresses and blinding riches are appealing to most. However, once you dig down deeper and experience the lonely days, over-abundance of rules, pressure and false smiles it is not as attractive. Well, I am sure if you are the first born the attention and honour you receive from your parents is very gratifying. But not when you are the second child; the spare part.

I am Princess Gwendolyn of a small country located next to Norway. My country - Losington - is so small, many have not even heard of it! I would give up my title and trust fund in a heartbeat if it meant I could have some freedom. I just turned eighteen years old three days ago, but I am still treated like a child (essentially a prisoner). My whole life I have been locked up in the lonely castle with only maids and my cantankerous older sister for company. Oh, and I should not forget my most beloved tutors. Many have left the palace because I am so 'difficult' and 'troublesome'. It is not my fault that they are all still clinging to the ideals that suited the world centuries ago! Nevertheless, apparently because I think women should have a voice and do not agree with many of their teachings, I am a wild child who should be put down like a dog.

Honestly, I think my mother agrees with them.

As you could guess, I am not blessed in the friends department. The girls of high society my mother would like me to befriend are all too empty headed and materialistic for my liking. They all flock to my sister anyway, as she will be the future Queen, and just talking with her is apparently such a great honour. Blah. I once had a wonderful friend named Fern, who worked in the stables, but she has left the castle now, and since I am not allowed outside the prison – sorry castle walls without an excellent reason or escort, I never get to see her.

I have travelled to different places around the World a few times with my family on press tours and to meet the other Royal families, but I am never allowed to explore the treasures each country has to offer. It is one of my dreams to go travelling with just the clothes on my back one day, but my mother would never let me. My father would not make too much of a fuss as long as he knew I was safe, but as he is so busy trying to run a country I doubt he would think about it for too long or even remembered I had left. I hardly ever get to see him; much less have proper conversations like a normal father and daughter. There have been times where I have actually had to schedule appointments just to see him for a few minutes.

"Gwendolyn!" An angry voice snaps from behind me. "Why do I always find you in here?"

Jumping around with my hand on my racing heart, I came face to face with the devil herself: Anastasia, the Crown Princess of Losington and my tormentor. She is only three years older then me at twenty-one, yet she treats me like a wearisome five year old she cannot wait to dump on a nanny. We could not be more different, and I think that is part of the problem; we do not understand each other. I would rather read a book then go to a party, whereas she has never read for pleasure, only as a necessity for studying, and she has arrangements with her elite friends nearly every weekend. Mother allows her to go out often (with heavy security detail), as she is the crown Princess, and in her opinion, the people need to see and 'get to know' their future Queen. Nobody cares about the strange second born.

Every inch of Anastasia from her perfect hair and stylish outfit to her manicured nails is quintessential, and she plays the role of a pampered Princess expertly. She is just so materialistic, shallow and conceited. Personally, I blame my mother. If she had not spoilt her so rottenly growing up and given in to all her hearts desires, Anastasia may have actually had a chance at turning out to be a decent person. You should have heard the song my mother used to sing to her each night, telling her how wonderful, special and flawless she is. Her whole life has been about grooming her into a perfect, docile Queen. She does not mind the fact that her husband will hold all the power and she can only become Queen if she marries someone from the nobility to be our King. In my opinion, it is ridiculous.

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