Chapter 36 - Gwen's POV

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I awake the next morning feeling warm and content, and it takes me a couple of moments to realise that I am curled up in someone's protective arms. Cohen. A smile blooms onto my face in my sleepy state as I curl further into him. Happiness blooms from my very soul, as I have never felt more happy and content then in this precise moment. Last night Cohen and I stayed up rather late just talking about everything that hopped into our minds, from our deepest insecurities to our greatest wishes. I feel so close to him right now, and I know that I need to trust in him and his love – he has not given me a reason not to. We are going to put the whole 'Raven' mishap behind us, and Cohen has continuously reassured me that she is nothing to him. I believe him, although it does not mean that I don't feel jealous whenever I think about her and all the time she spent with Cohen.

Raven is my weakness, and Tyrian is Cohen's.

I do not remember falling asleep last night, but Cohen must have pulled the covers over us before drifting off himself. He looks so angelic as he sleeps, with all traces of worry and stress gone. I am so jealous of his long black lashes, nearly touching his cheekbones, and his straight angular jaw and bronzed skin tone. His hair is messily tousled but still looks runway ready, which is unfair because I am sure my own resembles that of a birds nest. He is just so handsome... how did I get so lucky?

Suddenly a lazy smile stretches onto Cohen's lips, and one eye squints open, catching me staring at him adoringly.

"You know, it's rude to stare." He hums in a gravelly voice sending shivers down my spine.

"Sorry." I giggle, knowing he is only joking.

"I could get used to waking up next to you every day very easily." Cohen hums as he grabs my hips and rolls me over with him causing me to giggle.

We forgot to shut the curtains last night, so golden sunlight is infiltrating the room and piercing his eyes.

"What time is it?" I ask breathlessly as he attacks my neck with kisses.

"Nearly midday..." He mutters distractedly whilst glancing up at the golden clock in the ornate shape of the sun mounted on the left wall.

"What!" I squeal. "I can't believe that no one came to get me up! I always have to be down for breakfast at 9am sharp, apart from Sunday's which is 9:30." I explain.

"Well, someone did knock on the door a few hours ago, but they left sounding flustered when I told them to go away." Cohen explains mischievously. "They probably thought we weren't decent." He chuckles, making me gasp in horror.

"Oh Cohen this is the most embarrassing moment of my life! I have to go talk to my mother." I reveal as I start to shimmy out of bed, much to his disappointment.

"Do you have to?" He pouts as he sits up, my silk sheets pooling around his waist.

It is so tempting just to collapse back into bed and waste the day away with him, but I know that rumours of Cohen and I sleeping together will have reached my mother by now, which means I need to explain that the situation is innocent. I also need to talk to her about other things, including my imminent departure from the castle.

"I really want to Coco, but I need to talk to my mother about the future. If you type '03' into the phone, it will dial down to the kitchen, and you can order some food up to my room if you like. There should be someone who speaks English down there." I explain with a pout as I hurry into my bathroom to get dressed and tame my hair.

I am too nervous to eat at the moment.

"Thanks Gwen, I'll do that. Did you just call me Coco though? I'm not a puppy." Cohen chuckles.

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