Chapter 35 - Cohen's POV

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"Excuse me your highnesses, I hope you do not think I am rude, but I really need to talk to Gwen, so I am excusing myself." I announce to the table as I wipe my mouth with the golden-embroided handkerchief. It is almost as heavy and extravagant as the cutlery.

Gwen made her dramatic exit seconds ago, and I know I need to do damage control and fast.

"Oh that is quite alright son. She seems to be in a terrible mood for some reason and acting rather strange. Maybe you can sort the problem." The King shrugs whilst still digging into his food, seemingly oblivious to the tension in the room. Even his wife rolls her eyes at him.

"Yes, of course sir. It was a wonderful meal, thank you for having me." I rush out before hurrying towards the door, before the Queen calls my name.

"Cohen, Gwendolyn's room is on the third floor, fourth door on the left. Good luck." She sighs before turning back to her meal with her oblivious husband and sad eldest daughter, who is just pushing her food around her plate.

I hear the Queen snap at Anastasia about her 'horrendous posture' as I rush out of the doors and head towards the grand, swirling marble staircase, which will lead me to my love. I love Gwen so much, but she jumps to conclusions rather quick and isn't big on the listening front. We will definitely need to work on communication in our relationship to stop instances like these from happening ever again. She is delusional if she thinks I would let her go so easily because of a misunderstanding.

When I finally arrive outside her room after a total of three miss-turns, it is very quiet inside and I almost think I am in the wrong place, again, until I hear muffled sniffling on the other side of the door.

"Gwen?" I call out after knocking firmly.

It goes silent inside.

"Gwen? It's Cohen." I try again, calling out slightly louder this time.

"Go away!" She yells angrily, making me sigh.

She really won't have this conversation the easy way.

"Please just let me in Gwen, we need to talk."

"No!" She cries out indignantly. "I never want to see you again! You wasted your time coming here!" She yells hurting me badly, so I go ahead and let myself into her room.

If she isn't going to act like an adult then I won't treat her like one.

The first thing I notice when I step into her room is that her bed is freaking massive with whimsical four posters and silk drapes hanging down. It is the most beautiful bed I have ever seen. Gwen is wrapped up like a burrito inside her covers and huffing dramatically.

"Go away Cohen! I told you, I do not want to see you, you lying, back-stabbing mean old piece of work!" She yells as she erupts from her covers, her skin tinged pink with fury.

I take a moment to compose myself because of how hot she looks.

"What exactly have I done to be treated this way Gwen? You left without saying a word!" I exclaim as I march forward to the bed, my feet sinking in the soft white teddy-fur carpet.

"I saw you with your ex Cohen!" She explodes as I plop myself down onto her bed, making her scoot as far away from me as possible. "It was so cruel of you to string me along all that t-time, and, and take me on c-cute dates and steal my h-heart if you were only going to get back with your b-beautiful ex-girlfriend!" She exclaims in a wobbly voice, and the pain in her eyes rips me apart inside.

"Gwen, I assure you there is nothing going on between Raven and I. Absolutely nothing. She was on a run and just happened to be there, and I told her that I had a date and she said she was happy for me, and we said goodbye to each other. She hugged me but I didn't hug her back, because I don't want her. I only want you Gwen for the rest of my life, because I am in love with your silly, beautiful self. I love you so damn much." I reveal as I reach out to clasp her soft hand that fits perfectly in mine, feeling relieved when she doesn't pull away.

Her eyes are as big as saucers as they stare at me disbelievingly, and become watery as she takes in the full effects of my words. She seems to be frozen, just earnestly staring at me, before starting to sob and shaking her head, ripping her hand from mine.

"No! You're lying... you're lying!" She yells whilst shaking her head adamantly.

"Gwen..." I sigh as I manoeuvre myself over to her on the verge of tears myself. She has to listen, she just has to.

I pull her into my arms, taking her feeble hits valiantly and trying to calm her.

"Gwen! Gwen, baby please calm down. Let's just talk about this." I beg but she continues to howl in my arms, going limp.

The silk sheets of her bed are twisted between us, and I am fairly uncomfortable as I am not sitting properly, but there is no other place I would want to be then with Gwen curled up in my arms, so I don't try to move. Gently I tip her head upwards, noticing her eyes are still firmly shut with streaks of sadness running down to her chin. Every so often she tremors slightly, and it kills me that I am the reason for her sadness. I am going to make sure I never even look at another woman again. Why would I want to anyway, with perfection by my side?

Leaning down I gently kiss away her tears, murmuring 'I love you' over and over again, praying that she will believe me. I don't know what I will do if Gwen doesn't want me anymore. The pain of losing her will be much worse then losing Raven, which is scary to think about. I don't think I will ever be ok again.

"I love you so much Gwen." I whisper passionately as I place a light kiss on her nose, before moving up to her red eyes. "I haven't thought about Raven for weeks and weeks. I have been over her since I met you really. I want you and only you for the rest of my life. You don't compare to Raven because she is my past and you are my future. I never want to have to think about her again, and I never will, even if you... you don't love me back." I admit in a hoarse voice, and hesitantly, Gwen opens her eyes.

"You... you truly aren't getting back with Raven? You honestly love me?" She asks quietly, in a hopeful yet vulnerable manner.

"No Gwen, I assure you Raven is absolutely nothing to me. It is only you who I think about. And yes, I love you... I love you so much."

"I... I love you too Cohen." Gwen reveals emotionally, before leaning in and kissing me right where I have wanted to for the past hour, firmly on the lips.

Grabbing the back of her neck, I pull her in closer to me, attacking her lips with all the stress, sadness and worry she has caused me these past few days. Our lips fit together perfectly as we cling to each other, kissing, licking and nibbling at each other whilst lost in the passion. We grapple to get closer and Gwen straddles me, causing a smouldering heat to flare up deep within me. My grip on Gwen tightens and I crush her body into my own gently, yet firmly so that there is no space between us. I slant Gwen's head back further, deepening the kiss, until she pulls back gasping for air. Suddenly I realise that I too am starving for oxygen, but I was so drunk on Gwen's sweet vanilla taste I forgot to breathe. We stay plastered against each other regaining our breath until Gwen speaks up.

"I... I am sorry Cohen. Sorry for... for running away. It is just that when I saw... when I saw you with R-Raven, it broke me. I thought I wasn't good enough for you. I knew that I couldn't stand to be, be around whilst you two fell back in... In love, so I ran." She explains sadly.

"It's ok Gwen. We are both at fault really... I think I would act the same if I saw you with another guy, well, actually, I would probably just beat him up rather then run away, but I forgive you. Just if anything like this ever happens again, please talk to me first, to make sure that there are no misunderstandings, ok?" I ask and Gwen nods enthusiastically. "But you know what would really make it up to me?" I ask with a cheeky grin as I finally unbury myself from the sweet curve of her slender neck.

"What?" She asks timidly, her arms still around my neck and her hands playing with the short strands at the base.

"By becoming my girlfriend." I announce, causing a blinding, beautiful smile to light up her lips, and tears to well in her eyes again.

"Oh Cohen, of course I will be! I love you so much!" She exclaims with happiness before attacking me with kisses, causing me to fall backwards onto her bouncy bed.

We land in a pile of giggles, happiness and laughter, and I cannot believe how perfectly everything has fit together.

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