Chapter 23 - Cohen's POV

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God she's beautiful. She's like an angel gifted to earth. If only I don't keep getting scared and having to push her away. My feelings are all jumbled up, and I am not ready to disclose them with anyone yet.

"Sorry to interrupt you Gwen." I start, feeling a little unnerved (and aroused) by her defiant scowl. She is definitely pissed off at me. "I just wanted to thank you for looking after Charlene. She seems happier now then she has been for years... If it wasn't for you she would still be getting bullied and going through it all alone."

"It's fine." She snaps with her arms tightly folded under her chest, not giving away any emotion.

I know it is my fault that she dislikes me so, as I was rude and ignored her (again), but there is a reason for that. Whilst staying with Leo in his luxury maisonette (his parents live in France), I have had lots of time to sit around and think about everything – mainly Gwen. Leo has made me see that in truth I like her. I like her a lot. He told me I should just go for it, as there is a chance we could end up together. I think he is struggling with some girl, which is weird since he never really dates, but someone seems to have caught his attention. Annoyingly he won't tell me who though.

Gwen brings out all of these caveman instincts in me, such as wanting to hide her away from the rest of the world to keep her all to myself. It is why I got so jealous last Saturday and when she was alone with that 'thin dick' guy. Just thinking about her being with another man... ugh, it makes me want to punch something repeatedly. She is just so innocent and astounds me every time I look at her – why would she ever want to be with me? All I seem to do is treat her badly and push her away. So yes, I am scared, I am scared that she does not like me back and will laugh in my face if I reveal my true feelings for her.

Also, I have only ever been in one proper relationship before with Raven, who was obviously a waste of time. She completely broke my heart with her selfish actions, and I do not want to risk feeling that amount of pain ever again. But still, I know that I cannot let Raven dictate the rest of my life. She will always be a part of my past, and at times, I still miss her, but she sure as hell isn't going to be a part of my future. I will not complain if I never see her again.

With Gwen however, I do not know how she couldn't be a part of my future. She is always there, and fits into my family perfectly. I cannot imagine her being with anyone, other then with me. At first, I thought she was annoying and too naïve, but now I have come to love her quirks. It would be boring if everyone were the same anyway. Her determination to do what's right, unending kindness and beauty have ended up changing my mind and drawing me to her like a moth to a flame.

"I'm sorry for my behaviour Gwen these past few days. I didn't mean to offend you or..."

"Yes but you managed to do that anyway, didn't you?" She snaps. "So why don't you tell me for once and for all Cohen. Why do you keep treating me like dirt? Huh? It is always one-step forward and three steps back with you! We finally get into a good place and you become mad at me when I haven't done anything wrong – well apart from your car I'm sorry about that – but still you ignore me like a child for days." She complains whilst sliding off the bed to glare at me, stamping her foot.

I know I should be taking her seriously right now, but she just look so hot with that adorable little pout on her face. She is absolutely tiny, standing just over five foot and no match for my 6-foot frame. Then I recognise the black hoodie she has on – one of my own, which I am sure Susanne stole off me a while back. Why does she have it? Still, she looks much better in my clothes then I do, and I cannot help the involuntary smile that stretches onto my lips. From now on, the only clothes I want to see her wearing are my own.

"What's so funny? Get that stupid grin off your face." Gwen suddenly barks.

"I'm sorry Gwen, I really am." I murmur as I walk closer to her, making her look a little unsettled and start to walk backwards towards the bed.

Once her legs hit it, she looks up at me quizzically, her green eyes wide with nervousness, as I come to a stop just in front of her, our chests nearly touching.

"Cohen... what are you?-" She whispers before I raise one of my palms and caress the left side of her face, coaxing her to lift her neck so that we are staring at each other.

Her eyes flutter shut and the tension melts from her face as she leans into my touch. My angel. It is silent, the atmosphere thick with the words unsaid. This close to her, I am being fanned with every minty breath from her ajar heart-shaped lips, and can see each light star-shaped freckle splashing her nose and cheeks. Hesitantly her eyes open again, searching mine as her wispy lashes touch her brow bone. Through her eyes, I can see a meadow, calm and tranquil, and sometimes I wonder how they are so light and seem to glow from within. Beautiful doesn't seem like the right word to describe her, as she is so much more then that. She is the personification of perfection to me.

I want to kiss her more then anything, and I feel like somehow my soul is screaming out at me to just do it. She hasn't pulled away thus far, so maybe she wants it to happen; wants us to happen? But just as I gather the balls to do it and deal with the consequences later, the door is pushed open and my whirlwind of a sister waltzes in, causing us to hurdle apart.

"Oh... sorry guys." Susanne apologises as her eyes dart between the two of us. A slow mischievous smile stretches onto her features as she takes in my awkward presence and Gwen's bright red cheeks, which basically scream out that something happened between the two of us, even though it didn't really.

"I was going to get Gwen's help for my love life, but I see you two need to work on your own!" She giggles, before making her way back out.

"No! I'll come with you." Gwen squeaks, refusing to look at me as she pushes past and all but sprints out of the room.

Once the door is shut and I hear the girls hushed whispers echoing down the hall, I groan aloud. Now everything is up in the air and awkward between the two of us. Susanne owes me twice now for interrupting our moment. I still haven't forgiven her for sneaking out to that party, but she manipulated me into not telling mum and dad that she was out and drinking, since she has caught me coming in very late a few times, and always covered for me then. It doesn't mean that she doesn't owe me big time though! Moreover, for interrupting Gwen and I right when things were getting good she owes me twice. Gwen and I need to have a conversation, but I know she needs time to process the changes in our relationship.

It doesn't mean I am going to simply step back and relax though. I won't rest until Gwen admits her true feelings for me.

What do you think guys? They nearly kissed?! And Susanne ruined the moment, lol.

Keep reading to see if they have a future together...

Also, we are going to find out about Anastasia and her mysterious fiancé in the next chapter...  


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