Chapter 29 - Cohen's POV

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Being reminded Gwen is going home on Saturday is like a slap to the face. I cannot imagine a world where she is not in it, let alone a day. How am I going to bare being apart from her for so long? I need her and that is that. We are meant to be together. I am so frustrated that I wasted so much time being a prick in the beginning. If only I had realised she was the one for me sooner, then we could have been official weeks ago.

I want to do everything with Gwen. I really feel like she is she one for me and this is it. I know I am only young, but you can't cheat or ignore love. Love. I can imagine a future with Gwen as my wife and the mother of my children. It is slightly daunting to realise that I want no one else, but at the same time, I feel an immeasurable happiness. I am in love, and there is nothing bad about that.

What I have with Gwen is vastly different to what I had with Raven. I always felt like my feelings ran deeper then hers, and she had the power to break me whereas I did not have the power to break her. She used to flirt openly with other people when she didn't get her own way, dismissing my feelings, but I was so infatuated with her I never left her. With Gwen, everything feels more real, more alive. I always felt like Raven was just settling being with me, but as Gwen is so fiercely loyal to those who she loves, and looks at me as if I am the only man she can see, it fills me to the brim with security. I know deep in my heart she would never purposefully hurt my feelings or play with my emotions because she cares about me as much as I care about her. It is a wonderfully uplifting feeling.

Still, what if Gwen doesn't actually love me? What if she wants to keep me boxed up as a summer romance and not want to work hard to keep our relationship alive?

Gwen is currently out with her friends Evolet and Torryn for dinner, so I decide to go and talk to my mom about the situation. She works more (but still from home) now that we kids have grown up, but she always has time for us. Tentatively I knock on her office door, and she calls for me to come in straight away. Instantly I am nearly blinded by light, as the entire back wall of my mums office is made out of floor to ceiling windows, and the gold curtains are pinned back exposing the ocean view.

"Oh Cohen, are you ok?" She asks whilst setting her coffee mug down as well as a bunch of papers.

"Yes, fine." I murmur as I move to sit down on the soft brown sofa next to an emerald leafy houseplant. "I was just wondering, how did you know when you were in love with dad? Like really in love?" I ask whilst wringing my hands anxiously.

"Well, I guess it was when I knew I wanted to spend forever with him, and hated the thought of him being with anyone else apart from me. He was also constantly on my mind, and I knew I would do anything for him." She explains with a soft smile. "Is this about Gwen?" My mum adds on with a knowing twinkle in her eyes.

"...Yes, how did you know?"

"I am your mother Cohen; I can tell when you have the hots for a girl. You know, I love Gwen like another daughter, and she is wonderful and sweet, a little naive and too quick to judge a situation at times, but I think you two compliment each other."

"Thanks mum... but she's going home on Saturday... How will that work?" I ask for her advice sadly.

"Well it will take effort, but if you two really love each other then you will get through it."

"Yeah I guess." I mumble, throwing my head back into the shimmery pearl wall and hating the idea of being apart from Gwen.

"You know though Cohen, Gwen needs a lot of reassurance. Her home life isn't... the best, and her mother has changed a lot over the years from when I first became friends with her. I guess the power went to her head, which means she has not been as loving as she should have been with Gwen. You will have to keep reassuring her that you want her and no one else, as she has always been treated as second best in her family." Mom reveals sadly.

"I know mum, and there isn't anything I would not do for Gwen. I will make sure that she knows she is loved every single day. But what if she doesn't love me back?" I ask the question that haunts me as I sleep.

The thought of Gwen not loving me or wanting to be with me sends ice daggers through my heart, and makes me want to spiral into despair.

"Darling, even the blind can tell the girl is smitten with you and loves you. I wouldn't worry about it." My mother chuckles.

"Thanks mom, I'll hold you to that. Hey, will you help me think of a special way to tell Gwen I love her?" I ask.

"Of course baby! Oh, this is so exciting! Come on over here, let's start brainstorming!" She squeals like a sixteen-year-old girl making me playfully roll my eyes at her.

"Thanks mom." I tell her as I make my way around her desk.

I am very lucky to have a mom as wonderful as my own, who always puts her children first and shows an abundance of love. I hope that one day I am half the parent she and my dad are.


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