Chapter 4 - Cohen's POV

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My mum and I have arrived at the airport, and are currently waiting for the Princess to show up. Sounds about right, I wonder how much waiting I'll be expected to do for the next couple of weeks, whilst chasing after a pampered Princess to attend to her every whim. My mom expects me to look after her at school and be her 'guide'. I have no idea why she is coming here out of all places, and wanting to live with us. Surely she has other houses around the world, and actual friends she can stay with?

I don't know man, she's not even here yet and she's already annoying me. This is going to be a long six weeks. I hope she's easy on the eye; it will make her easier to deal with. I tried googling her but there were only pictures of when she was young or of her sister. I only have fuzzy memories of a little blonde thing running around. And what kind of name is Gwendolyn? Personally, it reminds me of a witch.

Our private plane landed a few minutes ago, so we are expecting her Highness any minute now. My mom seriously needs to chill – she keeps going on about whether the room will be up to the Princesses standards and if she will like the extravagant meal our cook has prepared for her. In my mind, she's staying with us for free so she should just act grateful and deal with it. God, I really am cantankerous.

"Oh look! There she is!" My mother hisses urgently whilst hitting my arm repeatedly.


"All right! Calm down!" I mutter.

Lazily looking up, I am surprised to see that the girl walking along next to our pilot Edgar looks... ordinary. Like any other pretty blonde girl seeking to blend in with the crowds. Her hair tumbles majestically from her scalp in a flurry of shiny golden curls, and a beautiful, innocent smile adorns her face, as she looks around wide-eyed at the airport. Is she really 18? Her angelic features make her look years younger. A simple sundress and sneakers decorate her body, tight at her tiny waist and hinting at some treasures below. Edgar leans over to tell the Princess something, which makes her snap her eyes towards us.

I am instantly mesmerised.

I've never seen eyes so green. They are like a clear lake in a dark forest - if you look closer, you can see a round shallow crevice filled with pale water. They are so different to Raven's eyes, which are muddy brown, but if the light hits them just right, then the colour turns more hazel. Raven. I'm instantly knocked out of my thoughts and the smile falls from my face. For one moment, I was able to forget the scars she inflicted on me, but now they are back, throbbing at full intensity.

"Oh my goodness, hello!" The Princess calls out with a distinguishable European accent, running up to meet us with the widest Cheshire grin I've ever seen.

Unexpectedly she launches herself into my nervous mother's arms, who lets out a gasp of surprise before hugging her back. Well, this girl seems rather different as to what I was expecting. Where are her skyscraper shoes? Designer bag? Tiara? She is actually rather friendly and would maybe even classify as sweet. I've met a lot of Princesses and they all seemed to be stuck up themselves, looking down on everyone, but this one seems different – normal.

"Wow, Princess Gwendolyn you're so grownup! You have turned out to be quite stunning my dear!" My mother giggles as the Princess pulls back from their embrace.

"Oh, thank you ever so much, but please, call me Gwen Mrs Kefalas." The girl urges.

"Well, only if you call me Laurene!" My mother counters. "Oh, and this is my son Cohen, he's your age." Mum giggles as she directs Princess Gwendolyn's attention towards me.

"Oh hello! It is SO wonderful to meet you!" She exclaims energetically like a puppy before pulling me into a tight hug.

Flipping heck, this girl is something else. Momentarily I am overcome by her sweet vanilla scent and soft curves pressing into my body, but when my mum coughs, motioning for me to hug the Princess back, I lightly tap her shoulder in acknowledgement.

"Oh sorry, was that too much? I am just so excited to be here, in America! This is a literal dream come true for me! Oh wow, if my mother witnessed my behaviour she would be horrified, that's for sure!"

"Aww, don't worry Pr- I mean Gwen, Cohen doesn't mind, he's just not a very touchy-feely person." My mother explains as she wraps her arm around the Princesses shoulders, directing her towards our car.

The airport staff will have already packed Gwendolyn's belongings into the trunk.

I seem to have been forgotten as my mother and Gwendolyn click instantly and get along as if they've known each other all their lives. Silently I skulk after them, this 'Gwen' having intrigued me. I wonder if I'll have time to figure the odd girl out.

On the journey home, Gwendolyn took pictures of everything from the sun to KFC, giggling all the time like a small child. She definitely seems unblemished and innocent. I have been banished to the back of the Bentley whilst Gwen and mom natter on about girls stuff. Occasionally Gwendolyn catches me eyeing her, causing a fiery blush to heat up her cheeks, making me wonder just how far that blush goes. I quickly shake the inappropriate thoughts from my head.

By the time we arrive home I'm wondering why I was even invited if I'm only being ignored – save from the few secret glances that Gwendolyn and I share. For some unknown reason our focus seems to naturally gravitate towards the other. Her light green eyes really are incredible.

I'm sure her Palace is breath taking, but when she sees our beachside mansion Gwendolyn looks star struck. It is the most impressive house in the street, a testimony to the years of hard work and overtime my parents put in. They still managed to keep their marriage strong and raise three children throughout all the difficulties and commitments in their lives, and I hope that one day I will have a love as great as theirs.

My sisters Susanne and Charlene are waiting on the steps up to the main door, throwing stones into the ornate marble fountain. Our butler Mr Anderson (who we affectionately call Anders) would have a fit if he saw the girls doing that. As he oversees the whole household, any slight imperfection in the grounds or house gives him a heart attack as he takes his job very seriously. It is no wonder he never married! Susanne and my mum could pass for sisters, so similar apart from the way Susie inherited my dad's eyes. It's the same for me – I'm the spitting image of my dad but I have my mum's sapphire eyes. Charlene looks very Greek and just like my great grandma on my father's side. She sadly passed away four years ago.

As the car pulls up at the front door, Susanne and Charlene stand up straight. They both look slightly ridiculous wearing extravagant party dresses that Susanne no doubt chose, trying to impress the Princess. My sister is certainly a little ass-kisser. Two of the staff members open the car doors and Gwen elegantly slides out, no doubt after years of practice in the public eye. I watch on as Susanne glides forward, dropping into a deep curtsy and gesturing for Charlene to do the same.

"Your majesty, it is wonderful to meet you, I hope you will find our home up to your standards." Susanne announces eloquently, with a surprisingly British accent.

"Oh, hello, it is lovely to meet you, but please, there is no reason to curtsy." Gwen explains embarrassedly.

"Oh, well that's embarrassing." Susanne laughs as she stands normally again, her voice turning back to normal.

"Do not worry about it! And please, call me Gwen."

Goodness, could this girl be any more sugary sweet?

"I am Susanne, and this little cutie here is Charlene, we are so excited to have you stay!" She exclaims whilst linking arms with Gwen.

"It is splendid to meet you all, and I am most pleased to be staying here."

Even a blind man could see how well Gwendolyn fits into our family. She hasn't even been here for five minutes, yet she has clicked with my sisters who are treating her like extended family. She fits into our family as smooth as butter, and I am not sure if this is a good thing or not. My sisters have a habit of becoming very attached to people and things, and I don't want them to suffer immense sadness at her inevitable departure. Six weeks is a long time to spend with someone, especially if you end up caring for them in some way. I'm sure I'm safe from that though.

Gwen seems... all right, but way too sugary sweet for someone like me. I doubt she has ever had even an inch of hardship in her life.

I hope you are enjoying this book so far guys! Let me know who your favourite character is xoxo


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