Chapter 12 - Gwen's POV

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"Have you ever used one before?" Cohen asks me.

I am finding it rather hard to concentrate considering he does not have a shirt on. I actually had to check my mouth for drool when I first walked in! Why is he so handsome? So... sexy? Goodness, there really must be something wrong with me! I have never thought this way about anyone before! Should I ask him to put a shirt on? No, I am sure he will make fun of me if I do!

"Gwen?" He prods again, and I am horrified to realise I am still subconsciously staring at his abs.

What is he going on about? Oh yes, back to the task at hand, he is currently showing me how to use the running machine.

"Erm, s-sorry. Maybe... I think my uncle has one..." I reveal, desperately trying to keep my eyes on his face.

"Ok, well I usually do half an hour on the machine before I start working out, and I think it will be a good warm up for you." He explains with a cheeky grin.

I am sure he knows how inappropriate my thoughts are, but it is not as if I can tell him off for teasing me! I would simply die of embarrassment if I have to address my wayward thoughts with the perpetrator. Saying that, he did look quite shocked and a hot blush rose to his cheeks when he took in the outfit Susanne gave to me. Could he find me attractive? No, that would be impossible. I am nothing compared to his model-like ex-girlfriend.

"Ok, so basically you just press the green button to start, red to stop, and then you can adjust the speed by pressing these buttons here, got it?" Cohen explains.

"I think so..." I murmur whilst stepping onto the machine.

Leisurely I shake my shoulders out, reaching out behind me to tie my wild hair into a messy bun, before turning the machine on, aware of Cohen's lazy eyes following my every movement. It hums to life, and I increase the speed so that I can actually run without charging straight into the handles. I continue to make the machine go faster, not realising it takes a couple of seconds to catch up. As you can imagine, suddenly I am running as if I were being chased by a masked maniac, slipping further back with each movement. I tell myself I am fine, and do not need to panic, but when my jolty movements causes my hair tie to snap, I start panicking. I can no longer reach the stop button, losing my concentration on not falling over!

"Hey, Gwen, what are you doing? That's a little fast for you isn't it?" Cohen questions.

"I... I... stop!" I yell through my laboured breathing, my legs going so fast I am sure that if I were in a cartoon I would no longer be able to see them!

"Ok, ok, calm down I'll pull the emergency stop button." Cohen grumbles to me as if I am a child.

However, I am way too worried about falling off the damn thing and sustaining serious injuries, so as I see him come into my range of vision, I jump onto him with a war cry, causing us to fall in a muddled pile of limbs on the floor. Instantly a wave of relief washes over me, and I realise that maybe working out just is not for me.

"Gwen. Get off me please." Cohen mumbles from underneath me.

"Oh, I am so sorry!" I gasp as I roll off him and onto the purple yoga mat.

"Did you have to jump me?" He complains as he rolls up to his full height with a moody frown, rolling his right shoulder which hit the floor rather hard.

I cannot believe I did not realise that I was literally on top of his naked chest and not freak out about it! I am so slow.

"Sorry, what?" I ask, realising I have remained silent.

"You know Gwendolyn; if you spent less time eye-raping me and distracting me from my workout, then maybe you would not have caused this mess." He shoots out in a tone of ice whilst shutting the whizzing machine down.

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