Chapter 5 - Gwen's POV

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America is a most wondrous place! I have never felt so happy in all my eighteen years of existence! The Kefalas family is simply lovely, and ever so welcoming. Laurene and her daughters are all splendid people, and so beautiful and filled with the joys of life. Laurene's son Cohen is hopefully a pleasant person, although he is yet to utter a word to me. Perhaps he is shy? On the other hand, maybe I offended him by being so forward and hugging him? Goodness, it certainly was a horrific act of the upmost rudeness! My mother would nail me to a stake if she found out about it. I was just so excited! What is worse is he is not bad looking – not at all. There must be something in the water around here, since everyone looks like they are about to hit the runway!

Cohen is just perfection... from his silky black hair to surprisingly blue eyes and thick lips that look they were just made for kissing. Goodness gracious, what is wrong with me? My thoughts are so inappropriate. Nevertheless, I cannot help but think that he is the most attractive human being I have ever had the pleasure to lay my eyes upon. Maybe even more so then Tyrian. But that is ridiculous, Tyrian is a Nordic God whereas Cohen is a Greek one, and I know which one I prefer. Besides, I was raised better then to simply judge on the outward appearance. It is the inside that counts. I do not know what is wrong with him, but Cohen seemed rather sad and sullen in the brief moments I spent in his company. I hope my arrival has not worsened his obviously already sour mood – or caused it.

A few moments ago, the sweet Susanne showed me to my bedroom, and the staff has since delivered my belongings. I am very pleased with my residence for the next six weeks, with a beautiful spacious walk in wardrobe, huge windows displaying the picturesque beach, silk bed sheets and a bathroom fit for a spa. I can see myself being very comfortable here. Laurene promised to collect me in half an hour for dinner, so I now have fifteen minutes left. I wonder if dinner is a fancy occasion in the Kefalas household. At home, I am expected to be adequately dressed, and we are usually entertaining some Duke or Lord and Lady. It is never a simple casual affair. Deciding it is better to be safe then sorry, I change into a white satin blouse paired with a smart tweed pink skirt and kitten heels. It will certainly be odd choosing my outfits and getting ready alone whilst in America, but I am sure I will manage. This is my dream of a normal life after all. I start folding away some of my clothes, dismayed that they seem to keep unrolling and look scruffy, when there is a smart knock at the door.

"Good afternoon Laurene." I smile respectfully as I delicately open the pearl coloured door.

"Princess – sorry, I mean Gwen, are you ready for dinner?" She asks friendlily.

"Yes I am." I reply, and then I follow her beckoning to the dining hall, talking about meeting her husband there on the way.

When we arrive everyone is already waiting, and I am relieved to see that they are all dressed smartly as well. The dining room is grand, with a long oak table with places for twelve persons, and an ornate silver candelabrum holding untouched smooth white candles in the centre. To the left of the room there is a marble fireplace, and on the walls large paintings of faraway places. Cream drapes hang from the ceiling to protect the array of gleaming windows and French doors showing off the landscaped gardens. The polished silver cutlery looks heavy to the hand and shines brightly in the early evening light. At each place stands a tall empty wine glass and there are beautifully folded napkins to match the runner. All that is missing is the food, Laurene and I.

An older looking Cohen who is decidedly wickedly handsome as well stands at my arrival, and briskly walks over to introduce himself. This is Laurene's husband and Cohen's father, Ellison, and it is scary how similar he is to his son. He greets his wife with a large kiss, which makes me blush and his children groan in disgust. I do not think I have ever witnessed such a passionate moment between my own parents. It is viewed as improper to do such a thing in public.

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