Chapter 13 - Gwen's POV

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It is Monday morning and finally time for my second week at school! It is true; time really does fly when you are having fun! When I awoke Susanne this morning, she was not impressed by my eagerness. Apparently, Monday has bad stereotypes around it because it is the first day of the week, and people prefer to be nearing the end. In my opinion, Monday is my most treasured day, since it marks new beginnings, and you have a fresh start. The trials of last week have been washed away.

Susanne simply giggled when I told her this though, and said I am the only person who could ever be excited for the start of school.

Across the weekend Cohen did not try to engage in conversation or even smile at me, obviously writing me off as a lost cause and not thinking our friendship is worth fighting for. Well, if that is how he feels then I am not going to worry about it either! I have not done anything wrong! I shall simply forget all about him for the rest of my time in America. If his bedroom were further then a few steps away then maybe this would be possible.

Ellison offered to drop Susanne and me off at school today, as Cohen raced off into the distance before Susanne was even out of bed. Apparently, it is embarrassing to be seen with your parents at school as Susanne complained about it, but I thought it was endearing on Ellison's behalf. Susanne is banned from driving as she has totalled three cars already, so unless she wants to take the bus we do not have another choice. I wish my father would show as much care and interest in me as Ellison does with his children.

My first lesson today is science with Miss Evans. I have a few acquaintances in the class, but no one with a concrete friendship. Once I have made my way to the class and said goodbye to Susanne, I trudge to the back of the room and take out my books. We are currently learning all about the nervous system, which I find simply fascinating. The human body truly is a marvel.

"Good morning class! I hope you have had a nice weekend and are ready to learn about synapses today!" The majority of the class groans at the teacher's upbeat nature.

Suddenly the door flies open, and a boy I have seen once or twice around the campus hurries in looking flustered.

"Finnick you are late. Please hurry up and sit down." Miss Evans scolds.

"Sorry miss." He apologises, before surprisingly hurrying over to where I am sitting and collapsing next to me.

His face is as red as his curly hair, and he has a million pinprick freckles scattered over his cheeks. Finnick turns to me with a wide, nervous grin once he has settled down, showing slightly crooked teeth. Still he is handsome, with eyes the colour of wet soil and melted chocolate blended into one.

"Hi, I'm Finnick – you're Rayne right?" He asks as he holds out his hand to shake.

"Yes, that is me. It is lovely to meet you." I respond with a smile and take his hand.

"It's great to meet you too." He whispers as the lesson begins.

Finnick turns out to be a sweet boy with a passion for science. We get along well during the class, and when Miss Evan's announces that we need a partner for a project on the nervous system, we agree to be each other's. Finnick invites me to go to his house that evening to start on our project, which I agree to do. Luckily, it turns out he does not live too far from the Kefalas' residence, so he will be able to drop me home after. We swap details, and arrange to meet outside after school so that he can take me to his house. I am excited to spend some time with my new friend - I just hope Laurene will approve! I send her a message just in case, and she responds that it is fine but I need to let Cohen know where I am going.

Great! Just great! I have to talk to the... the asshole now. Ugh, he always brings out the worst in me!

When lunchtime arrives, I decide to sit apart from Cohen and his friends with Evolet and Torryn, the latter being surprisingly disappointed that I do not want to sit with the group. I have a feeling it has something to do with a certain boy named Josh. I am still not completely used to the roaring noise of the lunch hall, but today I find it hard to feel overwhelmed considering I am sat right in Cohen's line of vision, and he keeps staring at me! Does he want me to dislike him even more?

He definitely has a most infuriating character. If only he gave Trixie (who is currently trying to drape herself all over him) as much attention. I am sure she would love that. Torryn jokingly comments that we look like we are having a lover's tiff, which makes my eyes nearly bulge out of my head. Love is the furthest thing I feel for Cohen.

"Right, shall we make a move to English?" I ask when I feel my annoyance rising out of my control.

I want to do stupid, childish things to Cohen such as sticking my tongue out at him! I have never committed such a juvenile crime, and I certainly shall not start now! Staying away from Cohen seems like a safe bet until I can control my extreme emotions towards him.

"But we still have twenty minutes left of lunch." Evolet complains.

"I know but it is better to get there early then late, and you never know – maybe our teacher will need help with setting up or something." I explain, noticing Cohen also gathering his things.

"If you two goody-goodies want to go to class I don't mind. I'm going to have a smoke anyway." Torryn shrugs.

"Do you have to?" I ask, wrinkling my nose.

"Yup. I'll see you later." Torryn replies before sauntering off, parting the crowds without a word.

Torryn is certainly better then when I first met her a couple of weeks ago, but still I am worried about her health. She is drinking and smoking herself into an early grave.

"So, shall we go?" I ask Evolet after a moment of reflection, and swing my bag onto my shoulder.

"Sure." She shrugs, but just as we are about to make our exit, a finger taps my shoulder and I spin round to see Cohen standing behind me.

"Hey Rayne... you ok?" He asks with his hands deep in his pockets.

"I'm fine." I snap, ready to leave but he grabs my shoulder again.

"Are you going to class? Can I come with you?"

"We are fine thank you." I stress, annoyed by his bi-polar attitude.

"Ok, well I know you're mad at me and you have every right to be, but I'm sorry. I'll meet you after class to take you and Suzanne home." He states.

"I do not need a lift home. I am going to my friend Finnick's house." I huff, feeling a small victory as his jaw tenses and eyes expand dangerously.

"Fine then Rayne, have fun with Finnick." He sneers and then storms away.

What is his problem now? He is more up and down then a yoyo, and I am tired of it.

"Let's just go Evolet." I sigh, remembering she is still standing there awkwardly.

If Cohen ever wants to be my friend again he needs to grow up and start treating me respectfully; not like someone who deserves to be messed around with and treated like dirt.

Yay another chapter! I'm on holiday so I have time to write at the moment! xx


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