Chapter Four ~ What happened?

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*Bella's POV*
I woke up in a very comfortable bed. I looked around the room taking in everything. There was gaming posters a PS4 and... a lot of games. There was a walk in closet the room was tidy, and smelled so great. I looked down and seen what I was wearing basketball shorts and a shirt that smelled like Anarchy for her from  axe. Wait.. did I just smell my shirt I was wearing.

I looked around and found a cup of water which I gladly drank, I read a note too. I went in search of the Gaming room. And I seen Taylor she was playing Fortnite talking to a chat that seemed to go crazy. She looked really in her element until she read a donation saying 'turn around.' And she did and seen me standing there I blushed under her gaze.

She turned off her stream saying her goodbyes too them. After she did she looked at me with a saddened expression. 'Let's get you something to eat,' she said and ran out of the room.

*Taylor's POV*
I ran down stairs quickly trying so hard not to trip over myself. I was still mad Jacob tried doing that to her and all I wanted to do was hold her and tell her it was gonna be okay. Its 6 in the morning and I gotta leave at 8:30 for my flight. Thank god I had my stuff packed, and I can sleep on my flight.

I grabbed eggs, bacon, bread, and some fruit and started preparing them for breakfast. I felt Bella's eyes on me. I turned around at her and smiled politely and told her to take a seat and I would explain everything. After I finished making the food I handed her a plate and sat down next to her wondering how to start this.

She looked at me and said, "Did anything happen between you know me and you?" I shook ny head and stifled a laugh. "No, nothing happened I brought you here after-." I cut off my sentence looking down at my food my eyes darkened a little. I was quickly losing my appetite. She touched my arm looking at me questioningly. When I put my hand on my counter wrapped up.

She looked at my hand and grabbed it, she was shocked. She asked me what happened in an angry tone so I told her. My breath hitched as I noticed how close she was, she smelled like mint which made me want to bring her closer to me. Wait why do I keep thinking that what is wrong with me she almost got raped last night! I shook off the thought and stared at her.

She looked at me a thankful look on her face smiling at me. That's when I noticed we were really close our face inches apart. I looked into her eyes, at her lips which looked inviting, then back at her eyes. I pulled away and then read the clock its 7:28. I got to get Bella home. I got up and said "follow me." Thankfully my stuff was already in the trunk.

I grabbed my keys, my phone and her stuff. And rushed her out to the car that was waiting. I asked her for her number and address and drove her there I also got her my number and told her if she needed anything to ask.

I watched her walk up to her porch to make sure everything was okay and pulled out. I started driving to the airport. I sighed and thought 'This is gonna be a long trip.' I boarded my flight not long after I got a text from Bella asking why I didn't go back the way we came. Oh shit, I thought I fucking forgot to tell her I was leaving for the weekend to do a colab. I'm a fucking jerk. I decided to tell her what was going on and she responded with the same thing I said about my self.

"You're a fucking jerk. You left me here by myself after all that happened last night... hows your hand btw," she said.

"It's fine nothing I can't handle. I'm pretty much invincible ya know (; " I said.

" You're so ugh! I can't even finish my sentence," she said.

"I think what you meant to say 'OMG Taylor you're so cute and sweet thank you.'" I said, smiling at my phone.

"You know you aren't right but I ain't gonna flatter you either. Though..." she said.

"Though what?" I said.

"Nothing, nothing." She said.

"Okay.." I said.

"Okay (:" she said.

"Can I know now? Please babe, please.. I'm begging you!" I said, pleading.

"One since when am I your 'babe' two fine," she said.

"I call everyone babe, sometimes. And yay!" I said.

"Oh. Well I mean though you are pretty great. She said.

"Why do you sound slightly disappointed babe?" I questioned her.

"Um.. nothing. It's fine, I'm fine," She said.

"Nothing's fine. Okay so since you won't tell me and your pretty much lying that you're okay and what you said about though.. I'll make it up too you when I get back how's a movie? Maybe dinner at my place?" I said unsure.

"Sounds great see you then 'babe' ttyl," she said.

I left it at that as I felt a blush creep on my face. Maybe this trip could hurry up. I wanna see Bella, I miss her even though I seen her before I came to board my flight. Its been years and I felt bad for leaving her... again. I couldn't stop thinking about her either her brown eyes seemed to sparkle everytime I made a joke.

From then on I knew my crush on her came back, even stronger than last time, and last time we were about to date but I moved. Now there was no escape for how I felt.

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