Chapter Twelve: Big night

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*Taylor's POV*

Two hours in practice and I wasn't even sweating. I wanted to get my anger out. Seriously and every five seconds someone literally texted my phone or called it. I turned it back on to know the time. Even Bella called me so I blocked her number for a bit.

I was angry and jealous I- I was hurt and I hated to admit it. I don't want to be known for being scared or being weak anymore.

I looked into the gym mirrors, my fight was in 30 minutes I heard cheering and my eyes darkened. I knew I was gonna get hurt but the others guys they don't know what their up against. I looked at my phone only to read what Jared said...

15 new messages from No, Hunny What Is You Doin?

Jared: Taylor you've got us worried sick. Don't tell me you're doing what you used to do. Taylor.

Callie: Taylor please answer

Elizabeth: Taylor you literally have everyone crying here.

I decided to reply for once.

Taylor: Like I said I'm fine and I'm at home!

Jeremy: Oh hunny why is you lying?

Taylor: I'm not lying!

Callie: Taylor we're at your house you ain't there.

Callie: Taylor don't tell me you're back to MMA fighting.

Taylor: I'm not.

Bella reads the chat.

Bella: wait you used to MMA fight?!

Taylor: No now leave me alone okay? Simple words you guys can understand or should.

I turned off my phone less than one minute till I go up. Few seconds later..

5 seconds

I put my mouth gaurd in and with that I went out and got into the ring. My opponent came out as well. My eyes darkened to a dark-grey blue. The round started and my opponent came barreling at me. She threw a punch to my gut and the other at my face I quickly dodged and jabbed one side of hers and then side kicked the other, a bruise forming slightly.

She went to upper cut me but I moved her arm caught my cut I had from that night before we moved out of Oak Hill. Anger flowed through me and for a second the girl looked terrified, I struck her when she was distracted. (My way of distracting was to sound and look angry.) She fell down and the bell rang, I won.

Few hours later I went home with a bruise on my arm, leg and face but thats all. I opened my door to see everyone there asleep besides Bella. Oh great, little miss flirt is here. I mentally roll my eyes and walked to my room. Of course I knew she was gonna follow me so I left the door open. I heard her walk in. Tension was clear a knife could slice through it. Uh.. maybe bad example I shook my thoughts.

She looked at me and I looked at her confused.

"What are you doing here Bella shouldn't you be with your boyfriend," I exclaim.

"W-what? Carl isn't my boyfriend. I kissed him yeah but I didn't like it I felt a little guilty when you showed up. I-" She cut off looking down a blush appearing.

"Yeah I was hurt. Seeing you kiss him made me mad. I-" I retorted looking down at her outfit which wasn't much a pair of shorts and a tank top. My eyes darkened and apparently Bella seen it cause she pointed out that I should leave my jaw up.

I laughed looking at her. "Yeah. I guess my feelings haven't left for you. Sorry about that I guess we really weren't supposed to be together. I'm sorry my feelings aren't gone Bella," I whispered. She grabbed my face and looked at me in the eyes.

To be continued...

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