Chapter 15: Why

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**Taylor's POV**

Why did I do it? Why did ignore her... She must only be kissing Jacob to get under my skin but it still hurts.

I just want to lay down and stay there. I dropped my phone as soon as I seen it and looked down to see all my friends typing in the group chat... besides Jeremy, he looked angry at me cause he knew I caused this.

Jeremy then started texting the group.

Jeremy: Okay guys everyone come to Taylor's house will ya?

Bella: yeah I really can't sorry..

Jeremy: Yeah I know I've noticed you're... busy.

He turned off his phone but all I did was stand there. Now when he started talking I picked up my phone. I walked toward my gaming room.

I started a early livestream, and told everyone I won't be able to stream today or tomorrow. I had to end cause I heard my friends come in my house.

They started talking, I heard Jeremy tell them what happened. Everything was muffled but soon it ended only to hear sounds of clicking happening. Okay my chance to leave is going.

I open the door slowly and peek out. Nothing. So I crept out slowly and snuck into the garage, yeah no I'm gonna have to get my anger out. So, I went to the only place I could. Yep, you guessed it.

Few minutes passed, yeah I knew they heard me open the garage and all. But they couldn't catch me time. I was broken, hurt, and... was this how she felt when I ignored her for that long. Did I really make it that bad?

Anger consumed me though, of all people she chose Jacob, the one I protected her from! Twice too! He almost raped her the day she got here.

**A few minutes later**

"Taylor what are you doing here? Your next fight ain't until next week. Are you okay?" Asked Donnie.

"Y-yeah I'm fine I just better start practicing ya know? Wanna spar Donnie?" I asked

"Sure, just let me get my gloves and stuff. You get ready too." He said walking off to get his stuff.

I walked out to my car and got my bag, my phone going off.

Jeremy to group chat: Taylor answer me now! Where the freak are you?

Callie: Taylor please answer

Bella: Guys what's going on?

Jared: Well Bella you would know if you would get your face off of Jacob!

Bella: Woah okay I'm sorry! Just tell me what's going on?

Elizabeth: Well Taylor sort of how do I put it... got out?

Bella: What do you mean she got out?

Ariel: What we mean is she's gone okay?

Bella: Oh.

Jared: Yeah oh, you must be busy so we'll leave you alone with JACOB of all people.

Bella: I'm not busy with him, I only started talking to him because of what Taylor did.

And right there only made me angrier. Yes I ignored her but why Jacob, the boy who almost raped her?!

I wanted to scream by the time I was done and in the building. I hurried up and got my gear on. Donnie came out looking confident as always.

"Are you ready for me to beat your ass, Lambert?" He asked smugly.

"In your dreams Campbell," I smirked.

"Okay but I've been practicing.. you on the other hand haven't and look ready to hurt someone. I don't want to be actually hurt ya know." Donnie whispered.

"Um yeah I'm fine this will take it off my mind, don't hold back okay?" I questioned.

Why would I do this? Why would Bella do this?

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