Chapter Ten: Big problems

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*Taylor's POV*
I stare in the direction where Jacob left. He knew I would do something about him flirting... well trying to flirt with Bella. It made me angry just thinking about him. He also wouldn't leave. Of course, I knew he had a motive, get in the new girls pants. Maybe it was for a bet cause usually Jacob gives up after the first unsuccessful try.

I looked at Bella and smirked, her face flushed a bit... huh weird. One of my bodyguards stood behind me still. I mean I would like to not have them cause I can protect myself but after a fan broke into my house and pretty much drugged me, tied me up, locked me in my own house, and literally told me that I had to marry them I thought I could use some protecting.

Uh.. still don't want to go into detail of what happened but yeah. "Are you okay Bella?" I asked all of a sudden. "Y-yeah I'm fine he just wouldn't go away." She said with a small awkward chuckle. 

She continued after a moment, "Uh.. at least he didn't try to do anything this time. I don't like him like that."

"He has a motive and he won't stop till he wins whatever bet was placed," I mumbled to myself. "What taylor?" She asked.

"N-nothing! Nothing at all. I have to go don't wanna be late... bye," I say quickly walking away. Good job miss try not to be suspicious.

I walked down the hall and seen Jacob by his friends locker. I walked up to him staring daggers at him. "Jacob," I say. "Ah, if it isn't the knight in shining armour!" He exclaims sarcastically.

"Ah, if it isn't the giant douche bag of the school who messed with half the population and is still begging for more, though the rest don't even want him!" I exclaim truthfully. I heard a few snickers from people who turned and looked at us.

"You f-" He begins. "No, hunny what is you doing? This is my time to speak," I say shoving him into a locker.

I start again, "If I seen you near Bella again we're going to have a problem. You got that? Get it through your thick skull. She's not gonna be one of your one night stands for a bet!"

I sigh before continuing again, "You played many others and I'm done with it. And my friend she isn't gonna be played by a low life like you or anyone else." I pause only to shove him back into the locker before he escaped.

"And you're motive I don't want to know really what it is but I can tell you your gonna have to lose it. And now," I finish. My bodygaurd behind me grunts signalling its time to go. I heard claps and people began cheering for me and booing for Jacob. Everyone besides his "buddies" were tired of Jacob.

I got into class after the late bell but the teacher didn't ask because I gave her that Jacob was the reason look. She only nodded. Some random kid in my first class took my seat and the only open one was by Bella. And it was open cause the kid who sat there was on a trip.

Okay Taylor deep breath its fine. You're  only gonna sit by Bella, the person you still have a crush on. Ah god this is gonna be hard to do.

Maybe one day I can tell Bella I still have feelings for her. But what if i get rejected I don't want that I'd be crushed.

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