Chapter 17: Slow your roll bud

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Hi yes I'm back sorry but this chapter is dedicated to my good friend Judy.
Anyway lets get into this shall we?

**Bella's POV**
I've legit been sitting at my house waiting for Jacob, he said he had to take care of something. I admit hanging out with him is weird he's always up in my business and he has that sparkle in his eye and for some reason I don't feel safe. I want Taylor back.


I can't..

I did this to make her jealous, which in fact I've hardly seen her glance at us! I do want her back though and I wish I wouldn't have chose Jacob to make her jealous but it was my best chance.

My phone started blowing up with messages asking where Taylor was and Taylor responded but didn't finish the sentence before it was sent. I got up quickly texting them to pick me up.

*5 minutes later*

All you could hear was the tires screeching from Jeremy's car after I jumped in. I'm pretty sure the neighbors would call the cops but who cares.

**Taylor's POV**
Listen Jacob me and you both know your not like this right? I need you to put down the knife. Nobody needs to get hurt.

I stepped closer to him, to only have him yell.

"No you listen! Bella is mine not yours and she will never be yours understand that? You had your chance and ruined it." He roared.

"Yeah I know I'm a screw up okay? But I had a very good reason why you know Jacob? You and me both know why I left my home town..." I paused hearing the sirens and my phone buzzing.

"I don't really know how you know about it but it's alright. Jacob hand me the knife and everything will be okay. I promise." I whispered breathlessly.

"Yeah you're right..." he paused and looked over just when the police and my friends showed up.

"Everything will be okay!" He leaped at me.

I quickly jumped out of the way but the knife caught my arm. Blood. Oh lord I thought to my self. I quickly recovered and tripped Jacob.

He groaned,"You bitch you're gonna regret that!"

The voice was unclear though I knew I was losing too much blood and needed to act fast.

"Drop the weapon! Drop it now!" The officers yelled.

It was all too much the flashing lights, the yelling... the blood loss. I needed to do something before I actually got killed.

I charged at him knocking the knife out of his hand. I landed on him my hand raised and balled into a fist, and connected to his temple.

I sighed knowing I knocked him out cleanly. I got up and fell near him.

My vision blurred and before I could even make out the figures running toward me from both the building and near the cops, I blacked out, my breathing labored.

To be continued..

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