Chapter 13: Bibbity bobbity your feelings are eternity.

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Chapter 13: Bibbity bobbity your feelings are eternity.

*Bella's POV*
I grabbed Taylors face gently but enough to make her look up at me shocked. Her eyes held pain in which made me want to take it away. Our faces were inches apart and boy did my heart ache. I looked at her hopefully. But to my disappointment we heard a knock on the other side of the door.

Taylor sighs and pulls away almost afraid to touch me. My heart aches at the sight. Her face showed a indescribable amount of fear, like she was hiding something but also something else like... love maybe lust her eyes were darkening by the minute. I left when I really shouldn't have I want to know what's wrong, I want to know if she is okay... I justcare about her.


I'm also afraid to admit I like her.

Sorry for the very very late update alot has happened also sorry for the short chapter. I've been stressed and drama has been goingon and school is alot but do not fret I will make a new chapter by or after November 4th. Again im sorry but i will start updating frequently soon.

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