Chapter Six ~ Why so jealous?

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*Jared's POV*

I wish Taylor would just notice that I, key word I, like her. More than a friend. I just wish she wasn't so hung up on that girl from years ago. Jeremy looked at me and pushed me causing me to snap out of my thoughts.

"Jared, Taylor likes you as a friend. I know it would be hard to get over but damn do you gotta be thinking about her and why she doesn't like you back more than a friend," Jeremy said. I sighed agreeing with him. In case you were wondering me and Jeremy were best friends we both have brown hair, hazel eyes, we were both tall, slender, but built. We both gladly played football and basketball.

If you're wondering about our sexualities well I'm straight and Jeremy is gay. He hasn't came out to anyone besides his friends.

"You know Jared, there's one person in our friend group that does like you but I can't say their name you gotta figure it out," He said.

"Ugh.. I know.. but I can't get over Taylor," I said.

*Taylor's POV*

I was sitting next to Bella just waiting for the movie to start when a couple kids came up to me asking for photos and an autograph. After I got finished they left the movie theatre which gotta be honest didn't know why.

I sat back down next to Bella in the very back with the projector above us. Bella was being quiet, too quiet. "You okay Bel-," my  was cut off by Bella.

"Yeah I'm fine just have a lot on my mind," she said in a small voice.

I nodded at her response looking into her eyes before the lights dimmed signaling the movie was about to start. Her eyes are so beautiful. I had to literally pull myself away from her gaze. I focused on movie when it started, sneaking glances at Bella every now and then.

***1 hour later***

"That movie was great!" I said smiling. I have to get Bella home spring break is over and we have school in the morning.

"Okay lets get you home," I said sighing. Bella began talking right after, "Taylor c-can I stay with you tonight? Nobody is home at my house and I-," Bella said butI cut her off before she could finish. "Yes you can stay Bella," I said looking at her.

"Okay but we gotta get me some clothes from my house I can't be wearing yours all the time," she said.

"Hey! I, for one, think you look great in my clothes. I only put shorts on you bec-," I was cut off again and this time I'm getting irritated.

"I know but still. And you think I look great? Awe, is Taylor starting to get soft?" She questioned me. She gave me a pointed look saying that she won. 1-0

"Well I won't answer that know since you gave me that look 'babe' oh wait maybe I shouldn't call you that you apparently hate it when I do.. how about 'Baby Girl'?" I asked.

"T-thats fine.." she said. Wait was she blushing.

I gave her a look and mouthed 1-1. She blushed even harder then.

***Author's note***
Poor Jared, but don't worry things like this happen for a reason to have a better outcome. Also what will happen between Taylor and Bella?

All I'm gonna say is let ships sail guys.

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