Chapter Seven ~ Just a dream?

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*Taylor's POV*
I drove Bella to her house so she can grab some clothes and the essentials. She ran up and yelled back "you can come in if you want." I did. Her house was neat, everything looked pretty much untouched but in a good way. I heard her upstairs in her room running around. I went up there to check on her and stood in the doorway.

She grabbed her backpack, thrown clothes in it, her toothbrush, literally everything people needed everyday. But it was funny seeing her so frantic. I laughed as she almost fell but I quickly stopped when she walked up to me giving me a death glare. "Keep giving me that look and see what happens," I said smirking.

"Nothing will happen," she said looking back at with the same glare.
Oh, I thought she's pretty brave but she made a mistake. I laughed and walked up behind her. "Are you sure nothing will happen?" I said whispering into her ear. I then sidestepped and went and stood in front of her, she was looking down a surprised look on her face not only that she was blushing.

I put my hand underneath her chin and gently raised her head up so she was looking at me I felt a shock of electricity but ignored it. "Don't worry nothing bad will happen okay? And don't look too shocked you knew I would do something if you said that," I said smiling down at her. I then let go of her and walked back to my place in the doorway. "You ready to go?" I asked and all she did was nod.

I grabbed her backpack, she grabbed her purse and we went down stairs without another word. I opened her the passenger door for her and handed her stuff, our hands touched but only momentarily before I pulled away and shut the door. I got in the car, a lot on my mind, and drove off towards my house.

I pulled into the garage and got out as soon as I turned off my car. I opened Bella's door and took her bag sliding a strap of her backpacks on me. "You don't have to help me I can do it myself," she looked at me. "What kind of person would I be to not help anyone? You can't make my decisions and I want to help you. We have a lot to catch up on anyway don't we?" I said.

With that I walked away and into the house holding the door open for her. She came in, and we ran upstairs. I let her sleep in one of the guest rooms the one right across the hall from me. But we stayed in my room and talked for a bit and it decided to rain, we might not even have school tomorrow if it keeps up like this. Lightning came crashing down and Bella jumped as it did, landing on top on me. "Uh... Bella you okay?" I said looking shocked. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine.." She said warily.

She slowly got off of me when she noticed apologising the whole time. It was cute. "Don't apologise Bella. Its fine," I sighed before continuing, "We might not even have school tomorrow if it keeps up like this we're already on a two hour delay," I said looking at my phone before putting it down. We got up we're going to go to bed.

"Well still can't be too sure I'm sorry I jumped on you, I'm afraid of lightning." She said. "Bella it's fine trust me," I said sincerely. "Are you gonna be okay when we go to bed though?" I asked. "Yeah I'll be fine," she said. Was she lying to me? I heard a pause when she was speaking. Was she afraid of me? Did she not like me worrying?

I decided to play along. "Okay, well goodnight, I'll see you in the morning I guess," I said almost sadly. "Goodnight Taylor," she said. And with that I shut my door and went to bed.

****Two hours later****

I heard knocking at my door. I opened it up to see a scared Bella there. "C-can I sleep in here with you tonight?" She asked me. I mumbled a reply "sure." And she came into my room. It was still raining out and I turned off my blue neon words and turned on my lamp. I wanted to comfort Bella. I shut my door and went to sit down on my side of the bed.

She looked terrified but was slowly calming down. She sat next me, side by side. I reached out to her but pulled back afraid if I did so it would not help. She noticied my scared movements. She then came into my arms and I wrapped my arms around her. She was laying on my chest when we laid down. Still scared. I felt her hand slip underneath my shirt. I tensed up underneath her.

My eyes darkened, I liked Bella, I have since I left and still did but I'm only being cautious. I grabbed her and flipped her over. I pinned her down looking into her eyes. "Bella, no, I like you I do but you're not ready. I've liked you even after I left you, I felt so bad when I did. And I just got you back. I want to be dating you when something like this happens. Not randomly to where I would push you away." I said.

She looked at me and said "Taylor I still like you. I always have. But who are you to decide if I'm ready or not. I'm sorry but you can't decide for me. I like you too much and don't want anyone else with you, so will you go out with me?" She said in a small voice. She continued "You're the only one that comforts me when I get scared, you help me through a lot. You helped me in the past and now here you are helping me in the present-"

I cut her off. I kissed her, it was slow and passionate. I swiped her bottom lip asking for entrance but she never gave it too me. I grumbled at her for it and she just smiled against my lips. She tried pushing me over to get on top of me but I was stronger and the one in charge. I still had her pinned down. "Let's get some sleep," I said my eyes were still dark. I got off of her, turned off my light and cuddled with her.

I wanted things to happen but it was 3 in the morning. School was canceled. We can do whatever we wanted tomorrow. But remember what happens here stays here. And I smiled at the thought finally, me and Bella.

I woke up and Bella wasn't there... it was a dream. A weird one at that. My neon lights were still on but in my dream I turned it off. It was still raining and it was 3 a.m. like it was in my dream. Jesus, I thought. Why'd I have a dream like that. I mean my feelings were slowly coming back for Bella but that was quick. Dang, I said sighing contently. Well school just got canceled so I can get more sleep now.

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