Chapter 14: Ignoring her

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*Taylor's POV*

The night me and Bella almost kissed... oh my god and I almost let it happen! What is wrong with me? Yes I may still like her but I'm not good enough for her.

My heart ached when I pulled away from her. She looked saddened by my action. But no I can't let it happen I don't want her hurt.

I snapped out of my thoughts when my math teacher Mrs. Armstrong asked me what the answer was to 34x+17=-32. "Uh yes that is x= -49 over 34 or x= -1 15/34"

She replied, " Yes that is correct Taylor but maybe write down your equation and solve it like that and while you're at it maybe.. pay attention?"

I sighed knowing I was caught thinking, "Yes ma'am will do".

I felt Bella's eyes on me, burning into the side of my face, she knew I was ignoring her too even though we had all classes together. I just didn't know what to do..

My face burned the more she stared. What is she trying to do to me?! Ah, god this is embarrassing. Just keep ignoring her Taylor it'll be fine.

She looked away noticing I was only going to keep ignoring her. She took a quick intake of breath and I seen her hands clenched on the table. I did something I shouldn't have but I can't care about it.

The bell rang and I packed my stuff up and got out of there. Time to go to my last class which is P.E. hopefully I can pass this class with ease.

***Time skip***

My cheek hurt and felt on fire. Yeah, it didn't go well cause as soon as gym was over, she slapped me and yelled at me for ignoring her. She was furious with me but I just stood there looking anywhere but at her.


"Taylor why are you ignoring her! You like her and she obviously likes you back! Girl sometimes I wonder if you are okay" Jeremy said angrily while walking to my car.

I just got in my car noticing her watching me from her friends car. Yeah I seen them drive here together. Jeremy finally got in, "Seriously Taylor tell me why."

I buckled up and backed out ignoring the question before I got home. But, guess what Jeremy did...... yeah he keep bugging me. Sensing I didn't want to talk about it until I got home he finally stopped.

I mentally wanted to slap myself and take everything back but it was too late. Way too late. Pulling up in my driveway I started telling Jeremy everything.

He cried out, "What the absolute freak Taylor! Are you kidding me? Not good enough?!"

"N-no sadly not," I said.

Before he got to respond both out phones went off. It was her. And the bad part it was her kissing Jacob...

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