Chapter Eight - Pasts sucks

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Three years ago...

*Taylor's POV*

I sighed looking at all my stuff in my room gone. I really was moving, and I'm gonna leave Bella. I don't want to.. but ever since what happened a few days ago we had to leave it was not safe.

Something happened.

The day I was gonna ask Bella out. I..


I was walking to her house alone. And this man came out of nowhere and grabbed me. I fought back but me being only tall, and having a slender frame with broad shoulders was bad. This guy was built like the freaking hulk. Literally. He had a knife and was swinging at me. I narrowly dodged his movements.

I punched at him and kicked. He hit me and I fell down. I tried to move but he ended up cutting me from my stomach to my chest. I played sports and all but I wasn't that strong to fight back. I layed there motionless. The wound pouring blood. My shirt was ruined too. He cut pretty deep but not deep enough to damage anything. But he almost broke my wrist in the struggle.

I heard someone come running up to me. They took a piece of cloth and pressed against my wound. I couldn't make a sound. My jaw still hurting from him hitting me. My breath was starting to be labored. I heard screaming and all I could do was look around. It hurt to move, talk, to do pretty much. I was going in and out of my daze.

I heard muffled talking and couldn't understand it. Red and blue lights flashed everywhere. Darkness was creeping up on my eyes. There was so much blood. I looked at my chest only causing it to bleed more from the movement. I groaned and passed out.

Ten minutes

I seen a white light above me. Frantic doctors and nurses everywhere. I passed out again.

1 day later...

I heard someone crying. I couldn't wake up. I tried but I was took tired. All I could hear pieces of conversations going on but they were fading.

The words faded and sleep came again.

What day was it?

I woke up, taking in the room. My parents sit in the chairs next to me asleep. I needed to get up and so I did. There was IV's in my arm and a bandage on my chest leading to my stomach. I felt dizziness when I stood up. Pain flared from my wound slightly enough to make me clutch my stomach and groan.

Memories came flooding back and I forgot... what about Bella? Did she know?

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